principle of cooperation of marriage customari in marriage “Letak Tando”Talang Pamesun Village Jujuhan Subdistrict Bungo Regency Jambi Province.Skripsi. Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program, Department of Language and Arts Education. Facul


  • Dwi Kosriyanti
  • Syofiani .
  • Romi Isnanda


This study aims to describe: principle of cooperation of marriage customari in marriage “Letak Tando” Talang Pamesun Village  Jujuhan Subdistrict  Bungo Regency Jambi Province which cosist of, maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxsim of relevance, and maxim implementation. the theory used in this research is the theory of cooperation principle found wijana (2009), the theory about marriage custom  Talang Pamesun Village Jujuhan Subdistrict Bungo Regency  Jambi Province which was by machmud (2004).

This type of research is gualitative with descriptive method. Data in the research is in the form of speech delivered by mamak the men and mamak the women in the ceremony Letak Tand. The data analysis step are:(1) transcribing the event dialogue Latak Tando from recording to written trom and translating into indonesia, (2) analyzing the diaogue used in the event Letak Tando to the maxim in principle of cooperation, (3) drawing conclusions from the  results of the study.

Based  on research conducted, 41 data are included to 4 maxim in principle of coorperation. The quantity maxim was found in the dialogue carried out by the informant on the event “Letak Tando”as much as 1 data. The maxim quality is found in the dialogue held by the informent on the event “Letak Tando”as many as 11 data. The maxim relevance found the dialogue on the event “Letak Tando”as many as 17 data. maxim implementation found in the dialogue on the event “Letak Tando”as many as 12 data.

Results of data analysis and discussion found that: from principle of cooperation of marriage customari in marriage “Letak Tando”Talang Pamesun Village Jujuhan Subdistrict Bungo Regency  Jambi Province, namely (1) the maxim of quantity, ie the speaker has expleained occording to what the opponent wants. (2) the maxim of quality that is, the opponent has already said what the speaker is talking about in accordance with sufficient avidence. (3) the maxim of television, that is, the speaker has given the question to the opponent the dendan speech problem discussed, (4) the maxim of implementation, that is, the speaker conveys the question to the opponent of the speech and the opponent said answer the question given by the speaker. Suggestions to be conveyed are as follows for: The community Talang Pamesun Village Jujuhan Subdistrict  Bungo Regency Jambi Province can use the principle of coorperetion in the event “Letak Tando”,Other research, conduct research by looking at other aspects so that in can be ameans of development of pragmatic studies.

Keywords: principle of cooperation, traditional customary marrige, letak tando


