Local Colors of Minangkabau in the Novel MenguraiRinduby Nang Syamsuddin”. Thesis.Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program, Departement of Language and Art Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University, Padan


  • Fitri Yumelia
  • Syofiani .
  • Romi Isnanda


This research purpose to describe: (1) local colors of Minangkabau in the system of marriage implementation consisting of, pinang-meminang, batimbang tando, marriage, manjapuik marapulai, and manjalang in novels Mengurai Rindu by Nang Syamsuddin. 2) local colors of Minangkabau in the concept of socio-cultural life consisting of, individuals and society, self-esteem, shame culture, mind, taste and check in novels Mengurai Rindu by Nang Syamsuddin. The theory used in this research is the local color theory proposed by Abrams (in Kusmarwanti, 2008), the theory of Minangkabau marriage implementation system which was proposed by Navis (1986),and the theory of concepts of socio-cultural life of Minangkabau society as expressed by Asri (2014).The type of this research is qualitative, descriptive method. The data in this study are words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs that describe the local colors of Minangkabau in novel MenguraiRinduby Nang Syamsuddin. Step analysis of data is done by: (1) to identify data related to local colors of Minangkabau in novel MenguraiRinduby Nang Syamsuddin, (2) classify the data that has been identified, (3) analyzing data with approach of sociology of literature, and (5) summarizes the results of data analysis.Results of data analysis found that: (1) local colors of Minangkabau in the system of marriage implementation novel MenguraiRinduby Nang Syamsuddin consists of, pinang-meminangthat came to marriage is the family of women, mamakwho served as a leader when making a peminangan. Batimbangtando(engagement) is the existence of sanctions or fines for those who break the engagement. Marriage that is the affair pickup pick up before the marriage ceremony, the belief that Friday is the best day to carry out the marriage contract, after the marriage ceremony begins will return to the home of his parents. Manjapuikmarapulaithat is the conditions of picking marapulai, such as bringing Roki(complete clothing marapulai), a pair of shoes, and the existence of pasumandan. Manjalangthat is the procedure and tradition of watering turmeric rice on the bride during the procession manjalang. (2) local colors of Minangkabau in the concept of the social life of the novel culture MenguraiRindubyNangSyamsuddin consists of, a sense of togetherness between individuals and Minangkabau society, the attitude of maintaining self-esteem and do not want to be viewed low by others, culture of shame is the embarrassment, the attitude of gratitude, mutual help, the attitude of feeling the same, which uses the law” ” piciakjangek, sakikdekawak, sakikdekurang” and the attitude of considering something in accordance with propriety or propriety, which uses the size of "alua jo patuik".In line with the research findings, can be concluded that the local colors of Minangkabau contained in novels MenguraiRinduby Nang Syamsuddin include, Minangkabau marriage implementation system and concepts of socio-cultural life of Minangkabau society is a uniqueness that must be maintained as local wisdom. In relation to these conclusions, it is suggested to other researchers or prospective literary researchers, to be able to describe other Minangkabau local colors, by means of different approaches or research objects, thus contributing widely to maintaining and promoting the Minangkabau local color to readers .


Keywords: local colors, Minangkabau, novel Mengurai Rindu


