The Moral Values in Song Lyric by the theme of a teacher figure. Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University, Padang


  • Fomi Nofel Putra
  • Syofiani .
  • Romi Isnanda


This study aims to describe: (1) Moral values in the song lyric by theme of a teacher   figure. The theory used as a reference in research is the ethical theory proposed by K Bertens 2011. The type of the research is qualitative research at descriptive method. The data analysis techniques are performed by: (1) identifying the song lyrics that having moral values in the figure of the teacher, (2) classifying the moral values based on the problem, (3) interpreting the data of the moral values in the song lyric by the theme of the teacher, (4) making conclusion based on moral analysis.

   This type of the study is qualitative with Moleong descriptive method (2013:4) stated that the qualitative research as a research procedure that produces the descriptive data in the form words or oral expression from the people observed. The object of this study is the song lyrics about the figure of the teacher. As the result of the data analysis found there are 32 data related to the moral values including of seven songs of “Hai, Guru”, “Untukmu Guru”, “Simfoni Guru”, “Hymne Guru”, “Oemar Bakri”, “Jasamu Guru”, and “Terima Kasih Guruku” so that the songs can be found the moral value of conscience 15 data, freedom and responsibility 2 data, values and norm 8 data, and rights and obligations 7.

Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the most of the meaning of the song lyrics about the figure of the teacher describes the moral value of conscience because the conscience can be seen by the poets’ way expressed their feeling in appreciating and being grateful for the teachers given for their students with whole-hearted.

Moreover the song lyrics which has the theme about the figure of the teacher can be used as the guidance for students to sing in school, especially when taking the imposition of flag they can respect the teacher like they have to doing the ceremony every Monday morning. 

               Keyword: moral values, song lyrics


