Violence against Women in the Novel PengakuanPariyem written by LinusSuryadi AG and the Novel PerempuanJogjawritten by AchmadMunif: An Intertextual Study”. Thesis.Indonesian Language and Literature Education.Departement ofLanguage and Art Education.Facu


  • Hardini Putri Anwar
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Gusnetti .


This study aimed to describe: (1) intrinsic elements of the novel PengakuanPariyemand the novel PerempuanJogja, including theme, plot, characterization and background; (2) violent acts of the novel PengakuanPariyemand novel PerempuanJogja; (3) intertextual relationships of the novel PengakuanPariyemand the novel PerempuanJogja. The theory used as a referencein the study wasthe novel elements according toNurgiyantoro (2010); violent actsaccording toSugihastutiandSaptiawan (2010); andthe intertextual study according toNugiyantoro (2010).

            The type of the study was a qualitative study with a descriptive method. Sources of data in the study was the novel PengakuanPariyemand the novel PerempuanJogja, while the object of the study was major intrinsic elements and violencein both of the novels. The data collection was done through: (1) reading both novels; (2) identifyingandrecordingall data. The technique used in testing the validity of the datawastriangulation technique.The data analysis was done by: (1) selecting andclassifying the data; (2) interpreting the data; (3) interpreting intertextual relationships; (4) concluding the results of the study.

            Based on the data analysis and discussion, it was found out as followed. First,the intrinsic elements were: (a) the theme of novel PengakuanPariyemwasa devotion of a Javanese woman as a maid, while the theme of the novel PerempuanJogjawas a devotion of a Javanese woman as a wife; (b) the plot of both the  novel PengakuanPariyemand the novel PerempuanJogjawaschronological plot; (c) the novel PengakuanPariyemhad 1 main character,Pariyem, whilethe novel PerempuanJogjahad 2 main characters, RumantiandPopi; (d) the background of the novelPengakuanPariyemand the novel PerempuanJogjawas typical which wasndalemSuryamentaraman, inthe rural area ofNgayogyakarta, and inndalemSudarsanan Jogjakarta, the time background of the novel PengakuanPariyemand novelPerempuanJogjawasnetral, and the atmosphere setting of the novel PengakuanPariyemand the novel PerempuanJogjawasquiet and sad. Second,violence actsagainst the woman character in the novel PengakuanPariyemwas more dominantly physical violence, while in the novel PerempuanJogja was more dominantly emotional. Third,the existing intertextual relationshipswas that the novel PengakuanPariyemwas ahypogramwhich was a work that lies behind the creation of the next work, while the novel PerempuanJogjawas stated asa work of transformationbecauseit tramsformed the novel PengakuanPariyem. This could be proven by the similarity of the theme, the plot, and the background, even thoughthey were different in the aspects of characters andthe relationships between the characters, and also the violent acts against the female characters.Based on the study results, it is suggested to: (1) students, use them as modelstolearnthe form ofviolent actsagainstwomeninliteraturesin order to be aware ofmoral life which is in accordance to character education applied in the curriculum of 2013; (2) teachers, especiallywho teachIndonesian Bahasa, use the novels asteaching materialsin relevant KD, so it can support literary learning; (3) university students, especially who study Indonesian language and Literature,increaseanddeepentheir knowledgeaboutthe study ofviolent actsagainstwomen, literature, local culture, andintertextual studyamong othersthroughunderstanding the result of this study; (4) other writers, conductthe next studiesin thescope of a wider intertextual study such aslanguage stylebetweena poemand a poem, a poem and a prose, a poemand a novel, even between two novelswithdifferent cultural background.


Keyword :Violent acts, Novel PengakuanPariyem, Novel PerempuanJogja, Intertextual study


