Make Up Of Ability Write Composition at Study Of Indonesian Class of V pass Model of Picture And Picture in SDN 18 Tarantang Tunggang District Of Tigo Nagari Sub-Province of Pasaman


  • Ermaliza .
  • Wirnita Eska
  • Hidayati Azkiya


Education represent one of the elementary requirement to human being, with existence of education hence quality of human life also will become more is having a meaning of. Ianguage used as communication means. Communications is a[n process of[is forwarding of intention of speaker to others by using certain channel. Writing basically is activity of someone place something a room dimension which still is empty. Besides, its result which in form of article can be read and comprehended by its contents (Resmini, 2006:1). Lowering of result learn which is obtained student at Indonesian subject, caused by at the (time) of study process take place, teacher often wear discourse method, more student become hearer of teacher, so that result of done study is not maximal. By paying attention the problem, one of the way of able to be gone through to increase process and result of learning Indonesian student is to pass model study of type co-operative of Picture Picture and. Pass this study model is expected student can have ability think logically. With model learn of student claimed active to be more in course of learning to teach and learn only as pendamping and just instruct.
Type Research represent Research Of Action Class (PTK) or of Classroom Action Research. Setting Research consist of research place that in SDN 18 Tarantang Tunggang and research subjek is class students of V SDN 18 Tarantang Tunggang in District of Tigo Nagari and also Research time at April 2017. Data in this research in the form of data qualitative and quantitative and source of research data is activity process learn Indonesian with requirement covering planning of study, execution of study, evaluate study, behavioral of study time student and teacher. Researcher use some instrument to collect data, that is (1) Sheet Observation Student ( 2) Sheet Activity of Instruction of Teacher ( 3) Sheet of Tes (4) Note field. Technique data collecting consist of technique of tes technique and of[is non tes. Data which is obtained in research analysed by using model analyse data qualitative namely analyse data started with analyzing since penggumpulan of data until entire/all data gathered. Study write deskripsi with model study of Picture Picture and can uplift skill to write deskripsi at class student of V SDN 18 Tarantang Tunggang in District of Tigo nagari.
Result of data analiasa got that skill write student by using model of Picture Picture and at class of V SDN 18 Tarantang Tunggang Sub-Province of Pasaman mount in usage of spelling, diction content and logical at cycle of I equal to 38,33% horizontally flatten result learn 61,46 mounting to become 83,33% at II horizontally flatten result learn 84,02.
Pursuant to result of obtained research, can be concluded that skill write student by using model of Picture Picture and at class of V SDN 18 Tarantang Tunggang Sub-Province of Pasaman.
Keyword: skill write, Indonesian language, picture and picture


