The Characteristic of Prominent Figure onBumi Cinta karya Novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy”. The Major Of Indonesian Language Education And Indonesian Literature at Bung Hatta University, Padang


  • Vivi Oktaviani
  • Gusnetti .
  • Romi Isnanda


The purpose of this research is to know the characteristic of prominent figure in Bumi Cinta  Novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy by Using Freud Sigmud theory or “ Personality Aspect of Id, Ego, Superego”.  the theory of this research data was Minderop(2010).

Kind of this research are qualitative research, beside that the researcher uses descriptive research for the method. This research focused on  the characteristic of prominant figure on Bumi Cinta Novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy that be observed from some aspect of id, ego and superego.The characteristic to analyze the data (1) The researcher analyzed the data of this research that has been seperated into a group (2) The researcher interpreted the result of data analyzed (3) The researcher concluded the result of the data analyzed.

Based on the result of data analyzed, it found by several findings that the first,Id aspect of prominent figure as Ayyas had little bit id aspect, he often can’t sleep because of thingking about Yelena face and kissing from a doctor, Anastasia Palazzo. Second, ego aspect from Ayyas as prominent figure  had very dominant in this aspect. It can be seen, Ayyas always hands something over that happened to him to Allah. He trust, what happened in this world because Allah and everything will be turning to Allah. The third, superego aspect of prominent figure, it can be seen from ayyas who always feeling guilty in very steps of him. He is afraid to Allah if he had blunder such as he almost tempted by Linor flattery to make in violation of god’s law or immoral. But he was conscious rapidly, so he did not make a sin.

In this line with the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the characteristic of prominent in Bumi Cinta Novel by Habiburahman El Shirazy contains religion charachter of prominent figure as Ayyas. The data finding on Bumi Cinta Novel that are 12 id data, 39 ego data and 33 superego data. The characteristic of prominent figure on Bumi Cinta Novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy more dominant on ego aspect then id and superego.

Key word: characteristic of prominent figure, Bumi Cinta Novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy


