Gender Inequity in the Novel Mata HariBy Paulo Coelho AFeminist Literature Review.” Thesis.Indonesian Language and Literature Education.Departement of Language and Art Education.Faculty of Teacher Training and Science of Education. Bung Hatta University


  • Hasnul Fikri


This study aimed to describethe form of (1) marginalization, (2) surbodination, (3) stereotype, (4) Gender andviolence, (4) women’s workload in the novel Mata Hari. The theory used as a reference in this study was the novel structural according to Nurgiyantoro (2010) and gender analysis and social transformation according to Mansour Fakih (2013

The type of the study was a qualitative study with a descriptive method. The source of data in the study was the novel Mata Hari,whilethe object of the studywasgender inequityin the novel Mata Hari.The data collecting was done through: (1) reading the novel, (2) identifying gender inequity in the novel Mata Hari,and (3)tabulating the data. The testing technique of data validationused wastriangulation technique. The data analysis was done by: (1) classifying the collected data, (2) describing the research data, (3) interpretingthe result of the study, and (4)concluding the result of the analysis.

Based on the result of the data analysis and the discussion, it was found out that there wasgender inequityin the novel Mata Hariwhich were (1) marginalization of women as many as 13 data, for example whenthe main characterwas removed from her job, (2) subordinationas many as 7 data, for example whenthe main characterwas consideredas an unimportant person because of her job, (3) stereotypingwomenas many as 12 data, for exampleby marking the main characterthata non-virgin unmarried womanwas a prostitute, (4) violenceagainst womenas many as 15 data, for examplea rape donebythe Principalto themain character, (5) women’s workloadas many as 4 data, for examplewhen the main characterwas given a jobas a spyeven thoughshewould notdo the job in her entire life.

Based on the conclusion that has been put forward,it is suggested that (a) teachers ofIndonesian BahasaandLiterature use the novel asa material forliterature teachingat schools. Beside, teacherscan examine more criticallythe struggle ofthe main characterof the novel Mata Hariby Paulo Coelho, (b) students understandthe gender equityaccording to theoriesof gender such as gender and marginalizationof women, gender and subordination, gender andstereotype, gender andviolence,and gender andworkload. Therefore,studentscantakethe main characterof the novel Mata Hariby Paulo Coelho as an exampleof ambition and persistence, (3) other writers use it asone of relevant studiesfor thosewho want to take feminism themein thenext studies. Writerscanlearn feminism studyin detail firstbefore conductingthe real research.



Key words :gender inequity, the novel matahari, paulocoelho.


