Figures Psychological Disorder in Psycopat DiaryNovel by Vasca Vannisa". Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Bung Hatta.


  • Ulva Ardiyarni Putri
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Dainur Putri


This study aims to (1) describe the plot, background, and characterization of the novel, (2) to describe the characters’ psychological disorder, (3) to describe the causative factors of the characters’ psychological disorder, and (4) to describe the impact of the characters’ psychological disorder in novelPsycopat  Diaryby Vasca Vannisa. Theories used as references in this research are literature theories which were proposed by Ahadiat (2007), Atmazaki (2007), and Nurgiyantoro (2010), and theories about the types of personality disorder by Sutardjo (2005) and Richard P Halgin (2010).               The type of this research is qualitative with descriptive method. The data source was Psycopat Diary novel by VascaVannisa. The objects of this research were the main intrinsic element and the characters’ psychological changes in VascaVannisa'sPsycopat Diary novel. Data collection technique in this research was done by (1) reading and understanding novel, (2) noting and marking the existing research result, (3) inventory all of the data about character. The technique of testing the data validity was by triangulation technique. Data analysis was done by: (1) determining the character of the research object, (2) describing data about the form and type of character’ psychological disorder in the novel, (3) interpreting the factors causing psychological disorders experienced by the character, (4) interpreting the causative factors of the characters’ psychological disorder based on the plot, (5) taking the conclusion from the results of data analysis.

            Based on the data analysis and discussion, it was found the following things. First, the novel intrinsic elements are (a) the novel is chronological plot, (b) the background consist background time, dawn, morning, dusk and night, and the background places are forest, Wisma Indah Sari Kota Tempias Riau, Androgini Club Medan and Alesa's past house, and the setting of the atmosphere are quiet, gloomy, gripping, tense and sad, (c) the main characters are Alesa and Zifa. Second, some psychological disorders which is experienced by the main character,that is (1) Panic Disorder, caused by Alesa’s fear when she heard the strains of gamelan music and ancient Java that have an impact on their daily life such as shouting and banging their heads, (2) Obsessive-Coplusive, caused by there is no place to vent her vengeance because of her rape experience to cause trauma and damage her thoughts and habits to always kill somebody, (3) Hallucinations, caused by trauma after Alesa was raped by a puppet masked man, so that Alesa always heard musical voices gamelan and ancient Java even she saw long-nosed creatures like a puppet character if she had an unpleasant experience. Apart from those three things, there are still 17 types of psychologi disorder which is experienced by the peripheral character, that is; Stematoform Disorder, Selective Amnesia, Paranoid Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Schizotypal Personality, Histronic, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Borderline, Avoidance, Dependent, Passive-Agressive and Self-Defeating, Delusions.

From the research conclusion, the suggestions submitted by the researchers are as follows: (1) literary readers, this research is expected to be a reference to increase the knowledge in the study of literary psychology; (2) teachers, it is recommended that this research can be used as a learning guide in order to understand the character of students formed by their environment and teachers can provide appropriate learning for each students, (3) university students, this research is recommended as a comparison in understanding literature, especially novels that discuss psychology; (4) Other researcher, it is desirable to use this research as a reference and comparisonmaterial in conducting further research with different objects.

Keywords: literature, novel, type of personality disorder


