The Correlation of the Structure of Sapardi Djoko Damono’s Hujan Bulan Junipoetry with Sapardi Djoko Damono’s Hujan Bulan Juni Novel: Intertextual Study”. Thesis. Indonesia Language and Literature Education. Department of Language and Art Education, Facul


  • Wahyu Puspita Sari
  • Hasnul Fikri


This research aimed to (a) describe the structure of Sapardi Djoko Damono’s Hujan Bulan Juni poetry, (b)describe the structure of Sapardi Djoko DamonoHujan Bulan Juni novel and (c) describe the correlation between the structure of poetry and the novel Hujan Bulan Juni by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The theory usedare this research is the theory about (1) poems by Waluyo (2005), novel by Atmazaki (2007), and inter-textual study that proposed by Endaswara (2011).

This research is qualitative by using descriptive method. The object of this research are a collection of poetry Hujan Bulan Juni and Novel Hujan Bulan Juniby Sapardi Djoko Damono. Data collection technique is done by: (1) reading and understanding the poetry and novel Hujan Bulan Juni by Sapardi Djoko Damono. (2) noting and underlining the correlation between collection of poetry and novel Hujan Bulan Juni by Sapardi Djoko Damono. (3) inventorydata that is related with research problem. Technique testing validity of data used is technique of observation persistence and technique of tringulation. Data analysis is done by (1) analyzing data which have been grouped according to the aspect researched, (2) interpreting based on research problem, (3) stating conclusions, and (4) making report of conclusion of result of the research.

Based on the result of data analysis, it is obtained from poetry literature 75 data, consists of (1) 33 data donotative diction, examples mengabur dalam dongengan, diksi konotatif counted 41 data, example tengadah ke langit: kosong-sepi(2) visual assessment of 4 data, examplesjangan: saksikan saja dengan teliti, auditive assessment of 5 data, examples sementara kita saling berbisik, and tactile retrieval of 3 data, for example tengadah ke langit: kosong-sepi(3) Concrete word as many as 32 data, example di luar semakin sengit malam hari(5) Majas as many as 15 data consisting of personification, personality, metaphor and polisindento, examples dengan gaib, dari rahim alam(6) themes as much as 7 data, such as poetry Sementara Kita Saling Berbisik, (7) tones as much as 7 data, as in poetry Hujan Turun Sepanjang Jalan 8) feelings 6 data that is on poetry Hujan Turun Sepanjang Jalan and (9) 11 data about the mandate, that is on poetry Jarak. Second, on the element of the novel found 127 data consisting of (1) theme  1 data, for exampleSarwono membenarkan tuduhan itu, tetapi digodanya juga gadis yang mulai benar-benar dicintainya itu dengan pertanyaan sekedar untuk menjengkelkannya, (2) the background element in the novel that eqation or development of the structure of poetry as much 9 data,  for example "liat itu yang duduk di sudut” katanya sambil menunjuk pemilik warung kampus yang sejak tadi mengawasi mereka, (3) characterization of 53 data, example "ah, bohong kali”, kata Sarwono pada suatu hari ketika Pingkan mencoba menjelaskan manusia jenis apa ronin itu, (4) the language style of 24 data, for example tapi Sakura tidak pernah berkhianat kepada siapapun, katanya selalu kalau berbicara dengan rekannya dari Jepang”, and (5) 1 data on the mandate, the example ofnasib memang diserahkan kepada manusia untuk digarap, tetapi takdir harus ditandatangani di atas materai dan tidak boleh digugat kalau nanti terjadi apa-apa, baik dan buruk. Kata yang ada dilangit sana, kalau baik ya alhamdulillah, kalau buruk ya disyukuri saja. Demikianlah maka surat takdir pun dibaca berulang kali tanpa ada yang mampu mendengarnya.  Third, in both literary works there is a relationship or development, on the element (1) the theme of the development of the six data on the structure of poetry, as in the poem I Want the theme of a desire to love the same theme in the novel that also has the theme of love. (2) the background element in the novel that the equation or development of the structure of poetry as much as 9 data, such as lights scattered around you as the background. (3) the characterization of the novel contains the development of 3 pieces of data on poetry, as in poetry but in these verses you will not turn it alone, as you become a character in the novel. (4) the style of language there is the development of 8 data on poetry, such as blurred poetry in fairy tales that use connotative meanings evolved in the language style in the novel. (5) mandate in the novel there is also the development of the poem as much as 1 data of Hujan Bulan Juni by Sapardi Djoko Damono.Similarities or development can be seen from the structure of the both poetry and novel. In the novel theme, there is development of the theme structure on the poem. The setting develops in poem structure: diction, feeling, and concrete word. In the characterization, there is a development or similarities of the structure of poetry in diction. In the style of language, there are similarities in assessment and figurative. Last, message develops from the message in poetry.

Key Word : Poetry, novel, intertextual study



