The Style of Language in WisranHadi’s Drama scripts Collection EmpatSandiwara Orang Melayu: A Stylistic Review”. Thesis.Indonesian Language and Literature Education.Department of Languages and Arts Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Science of Edu


  • Zaira Lucia
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Romi Isnanda


The objective of this research are to describe the style of language on dialogue of characters in drama scripts “SenandungSemenanjung”, ”DaraJingga”, GadingCepaka”, and “CinduaMato” on collection EmpatSandiwara Orang Melayuby WisranHadi. The theory used in this research is a theory about (1) literature by Atmazaki (2007), drama by Hasanuddin WS (2009), diction and style of language by GorysKeraf (2009), and stylistic by Al-Ma’ruf(2009).

This research is qualitative research with descriptive method. Data sources in this reasearch isWisranHadi’s drama scripts collection EmpatSandiwara Orang Melayuwhich consists of 315 pages. Whereas, the object of this research is the style of language in the dialogue of characters on the drama script “SenandungSemenanjung”, “DaraJingga”, “GadingCempaka”, and “CinduaMato”. Data collection is done by: (1) reading and understanding drama scripts. (2) marking the dialogue used by the characters drama scripts are  language style. (3) grouping and noting the dialogue that has been marked based on the language style the characters used.Testing techniques of data validity using observational persistence and triangulation.Data analysis is done by: (1) grouping dialogues of characters that contain the style of language, (2) analyzing the use of the character language style, (3) interpreting correlation between characterization and style of language, (4) formulating conclusions.

               Based on data analysis, the language style description of the script comprises twenty-four types of language styles with a total of 154 data. The script "SenandungSemenanjung" there are rhetorical and figurative style. The rhetorical language style arealteratio, asonansi, apostrophe, litotes, pleonasme, hyperbolperifrasis, and oksimoron; while figurative include metaphor, allegory, personification fifty, epithet, antonomasia, sarcasm and satire. The script "DaraJingga" there are rhetorical and figurative style. Rhetorical language of proton hysteron, erotesis, hyperbol, and oksimoron; while figurative include simile, metaphor, allegory, personification, epitet, antonomasia, cynicism, sarcasm and satire. The script "GadingCempaka" there are rhetorical and figurative style. Rhetorical languagestyle include alteration, ellipsis, paradox, and hyperbol; while figurative include metaphor, allegory, personification, sarcasm and satire. The script "CinduaMato" there are rhetorical and figurative style. The rhetorical language styles include apofasis, ellipsis, erotesis, and hyperbol; while figurative include simile, metaphor, allegory, epitet, antonomasia, sarcasm, and satire.

         In general, the use of such language styles can characterize character traits such as angry characters can be identified from the use of sarcasm style language in the dialogue of characters.

Based on the conclusions that have been described, the researchers put forward the following suggestions: (1) for students, the results of this study can be a guide to improve students knowledge of the ability to understand the drama, especially to examine the behavior of characters through the language style used. (2) for teachers, the results of this study can be developed to develop indicators of learning Indonesian literature, especially in the analysis of character traits through the language style  that is on dialogue figures. (3) for the researchers, this study is expected to be alternative and to examine the character of the character through the language style in the dialogue of characters.


Key word : Drama, language style, stylistic, literary learning


