Effect Of Application Of Discovery Learning Model On Learning Result Of Math Student Class V SDN 30 Air Dingin


  • Suryati Mustika
  • Fazri Zuzano
  • Siska Angreni


In essence, to fully understand mathematics, students must know the purpose of the learning of mathematics itself. Basically, the purpose of mathematics learning is to develop students' potential to solve problems, understand mathematical concepts and improve student reasoning. To realize it all, the teacher should try to involve students actively in the learning process of mathematics so that obtained learning outcomes in accordance with the expected. The use of learning model Discovery Learning is one solution that researchers offer and is expected to help students in understanding the material.
The type of this research is experiment and population research in this study is all students of Class V SDN 30 Air Dingin registered in the academic year 2016/2017 consisting of 2 classes. The samples chosen in this study were total sampling or saturated samples in which all members of the population were sampled. The sampling technique is done randomly / randomly. The instrument in this research is the final test in the form of essay problem which amounted to 5 after the test on other elementary school. If the learning outcomes of both sample classes are normally distributed and homogeneous, then the criterion used for the hypothesis is " received if: with , otherwise is rejected".
From the data of the final test score, it is found that the achievement of > 75 for the experimental class is 18 students or 66,67% and the control class is 13 students or 52%. Means that the completeness of the learning outcomes in the experimental class has been achieved and the level of mastery in the experimental class is better than the control class. After analyzing the value of student learning result test, then performed the analysis of normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis. In this study, it can be concluded that the value of the test results of the learning of both classes of samples distributed normal and homogeneous. After that is done hypothesis test by using t-test.
From result of hypothesis test by using t-test obtained = 3,282 and = 1,675 at real level α 0,05 with dk is 50. Thus, > hence hypothesis accepted that result learn students use the learning model of Discovery Learning is better result of student learning outcomes using conventional learning model on V grade mathematics lesson SDN 30 Air Dingin.

Keywords: Discovery Learning, learning result and math


