Aesthetic Value of Ipank Song Lyrics in Album Rantau Den Pajauah”. Thesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang


  • Eti Etovia
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Dainur Putri


The objective of this research is to describe aesthetic value consict of: (1) unity, (2) harmony, (3) simetry and balance, (4) contention of Ipank son lyrics in Rantau Den Pajauah album. Used in this research is literature theory by Atmazaki (2007), theory of aesthetic value by Ratna (2007).

The type of research was qualitative study using descriptive method. The object in this research was song lyrics by Ipank in Rantau Den Pajauah album. The collection of song lyrics are 10 songs that had been studied, they were: First,“Ba Ayah Ba Bako Tido”, (2) “Rantau Den Pajauah”, (3) “Kandak Rang Tuo”, (4) “Mandeh Pai Ayah Bajalan”, (5) “Ratok Buaian”, (6) “Dandam Larangan”, (7) “Harok di Rantau Urang”, (8) “Rang Paladang”, (9) “Makan Hati”, (10) “Adaik Salingka Nagari”.The data collect used: (1) transcribe song lyrics by Ipank in Rantau Den Pajauah to writing language and translate into Indonesian language, (2) record the aesthetic values data in of elements unity, harmony, simetry and balance, contention, (3) inventory data. After researcher collect data, then this research continue with analyse the data throungh. (1) clascif aesthetic value in song lyrics by Ipank in Rantau Den Pajauah album, (2) describe aesthetic value in song lyrics by Ipank in Rantau Den Pajauah album, (3) make a conclution. The technique testing the validity of data are perserverance observation and triangulation. 

Based on the research, it can conclude that the aesthetics value existed in the album of Rantau Den Pajauah was divided into four, they are: First, unity element 32 data, correlation description of things in one’s structure that disappeared that it consists of parts. The data that described the unity seen in sentences form in the data exist the correlation between one another which was in the song lyrics: (1) Ba Ayah Lai Ba Bako Tido, (2) Rantau Den Pajauah, (3) Mandeh Pai Ayah Bajalan, (4) Dandam larangan, (5) Harok di RantauUrang, (6) Adaik Salingka Nagari,  (7) Rang Paladang. Second, harmony as 43 data describe a natural interaction from several different parts, the interaction which exist in this harmony data describes that the existences of the correlated words one another yet has interaction so that seen harmony in the song lyrics: (1) Ayah Lai Ba Bako Tido, (2) Rantau Den Pajauah, (3) Kandak Rang Tuo ,(4) Mandeh Pai Ayah Bajalan, (5) Ratok Buaian, (6) Dandam Larangan, (7) Harok di Rantau Urang, (8) Rang Paladang, (9) Makan Hati, (10) Adaik Salingka Nagari. Third, simetry and balance 12 data, the simillarity of two different things. The simetry and harmony whic is stated about the explanation above seen from the balance and harmony from line to line that is seen on the physical appearance of bonded things in one’s structure in the song lyrics: (1) Ayah Lai Ba Bako Tido, (2) Rantau Den Pajauah, (3) Kandak Rang Tuo, (4) Mandeh Pai Ayah Bajalan, (5) Harok di Rantau Urang,(6) Makan Hati. Fourth, controversy 8 data describe the harmony which appeared by controversy and differences between bonded things in one’s structure in the song lyrics: (1) RatokBuaian, (2) Adaik Salingka Nagari.

Based on the conclusion which is stated, it is recommended to; (1) students, after knowing the aesthetic value of Ipank song lyrics in the album of Rantau Den Pajauah can gain knowledge about literature and improve their motivation in learning especially in the lesson of aesthetic value by song lyrics, (2) teacher, hopefully use this study in the literature learning, especially about aesthetic elements so that the students are excited to learn through famous songs, (3) other researcher, hopefully do the similar study with different object or same object but with different method of studies.


Key words : Aesthetics Value, Ipank Song Lyrics, Album of Rantau Den Pajauah.


