Intertextual Analysis of Novel Language Style Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata and Novel Negeri Lima Menaraby Ahmad Fuadi”. Thesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni,Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidik


  • Yulia Yelvita Ningsih
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Dainur Putri


This study aimed to describe employing language style and intertextual relations betweenLaskar Pelangi and Negeri Lima Menara. The theory used in this research are the theory of literary by Atmazaki (2007), language style theory by Keraf (2009), the theory of intertextual by Ratna (2007).

This type of research is qualitative with descriptive method. The object of this research are novel Laskar Pelangi and Novel Negeri Lima Menara. The data were collected by: (1) reading and understanding the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata and the novel of Negeri Lima Menaraby Ahmad Fuadi, (2) marking words using the style of Laskar Pelangi novel by Andrea Hirata and Negeri Lima Menaranovels by Ahmad Fuadi, (4) notes the language style contained in Andrea Hirata's Laskar Pelangi novel and Ahmad Fuadi's Negeri Lima Menaranovel according to theory, (5) incorporates the language style found in the data inventory format. Technique testing validity of data in this research is technique of observation persistence and triangulation. Data analysis is done by: (1) grouping words containing Andrea Hirata's Laskar Pelangi style and novel Negeri Lima MenaraKarya Ahmad Fuadi, (2) analyzing the style of Laskar Pelangi novel by Andrea Hirata, (3) analyzing the language style novel Negeri Lima Menaraby Ahmad fuadi, (4) interpret the results of analysis according to the aspects studied by using intertextual theory, (5) make conclusions.

The result of this research are first, in Laskar Pelangi novel found the following language style (a) 150 rhetorical language style consisting of alliteration as many as 13 data, asonansi as many as 7 data, anastrof as many as 4 data, asindenton as many as 6 data, polisindenton as many as 30 data, kiasmus as many as 2 data, euphemismus as much as 13 data, litotes as many as 1 data, pleonasme as much as 1 data, perifrasis as many as 5 data, erotesis as many as 4 data, correction as many as 1 data, hyperbol as many as 46 data, paradox as many as 15 data, oksimoron as many as 2 data. It means Andrea Hirata tends to use the rhetorical style of hyperbole; (b) 218 figurative language styles such as equation or simile as many as 126 data, metaphor counted as many as 16 data, personification as many as 42 data, alusi as many as 2 data, eponymous as many as 4 data, epitet as many as 3 data, antonomasia as many as 15 data, hypalase as many as 2 data , the irony as many as 1 data, cynicism as many as 1 data, sarcasm as many as 5 data, satire as many as 2 data. The means Andrea Hirata tends to use the style of language equations or simile. Second, in the novel of Negeri Lima Menarafound the style of language as follows (a) 117 rhetorical language style, including alliteration of 12 data, asonansi as many as 5 data, apostrophe as many as 3 data, asindenton as many as 7 data, polisindenton as many as 7 data, ellipsis as many as 3 data, euphemismus as many as 1 data, litotes as many as 1 data, pleonasme as many as 8 data, perifrasis as many as 1 data, prolepsis as many as 4 data, erotesis as many as 3 data, hyperbol as many as 53 data, paradox as many as 1 data. That is, Ahmad Fuadi tends to use therhetorical style of hyperbole, (b) 137 figurative language styles such as equations or similes as many as 49 data, metaphors as many as 7 data, personalities as many as 48 data, eponymous as many as 4 data, epithet as many as 9data, hypalase as many as 10 data, irony as many as 1 data, cynicism as many as 1 data, satire as many as 1 data, inuendo as many as 3 data. Third, the similarity of meaningful relationship is found in the novel style of Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata with the novel of Negeri Lima Menara by Ahmad Fuadi is that the novel of Negeri Lima Menarais an extension or development of Laskar Pelangi novel. This can be seen in the similarities and differences in language styles that appear in the novel Laskar Pelangi and novel Negeri Lima Menara. Thus the novel Laskar Pelangi is a work of hipogram while the novel Negeri Lima Menara is a work of transformation.

Based on the conclusions that have been described, the result of this study put forward the following suggestions: (a) for teachers,the result of this study can be developed to develop indicators of  learning Indonesian literature, especially about the style of language or in comparative literature; (b) for students, the result of this study can be a guide to improve student knowledge about the style of the language; (c) for the researchers,this study is expected to be alternative and  examine the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata and the Negeri Lima Menaranovels by Ahmad Fuadi from different aspects.


Keywords: style of language, intertextual, novel Laskar Pelangi, novel Negeri Lima Menara.


