The personality of main character in NegeriSenja novel by Seno GumiraAdjidarma”. Program StudiPendidikanBahasadanSastra Indonesia, JurusanPendidikanBahasadanSeni, FakultasKeguruandanIlmuPendidikan, Universitas Bung Hatta.


  • Lidia Ningsih
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Syofiani .


This research is aimed to describe forms of (1) aspects of the id of main character in NegeriSenja novel by Seno GumiraAdjidarma, (2) aspects of the ego of main character in NegeriSenja novel by Seno GumiraAdjidarma, (3) aspects of the superego of main character in NegeriSenja novel by Seno GumiraAdjidarma. The theory used as the reference in this research are the novel elements according to Nurgiyantoro (2010); Literary Psychology according to Rokmansyah (2014) and personality structure according to Freud (via Suryabrata, 2012).

Type of research used is qualitative research with descriptive method. The object of this research is NegeriSenja novel by Seno GumiraAdjidarma. Data collection techniques used in this study are (1) reading and understanding contents of NegeriSenja novel by Seno GumiraAdjidarma, (2) marking and recording data related to the research object, and (3) grouping data based on the research problems. The technique of data validity in this study is triangulation technique. Data analysis was done by (1) classifying data according to the personality aspects of the main character behaviors that include the id, ego, and super ego, (2) interpreting data which was described the character behaviors based on personality aspects (id, ego, and superego), (3) concluded the analysis result about the dominant personality aspects in the behaviors motive of the main character NegeriSenja novel by Seno GumiraAdjidarma.

The results of this study indicate that the data found as many as 42 data: that is, id aspects as many as 7 data, for example the cast of "I" who do not want to have thoughts about woman beauty who have saved him from danger, but he failed. Where has been proven id motive in the character. Aspects of the ego as much as 17 data, for example the character "I" think that his sadness can never be forgotten because the sadness is already in him.Therefore, figure "I" go wandering and try to relieve sadness in himself. This ego urge is appear clearly when the cast of "I" feels disappointment and decides to leave and never return. The superego aspects as much 18 data, such as the character "I" who do not want the trust given by NegeriSenja people to him just disappeared. The superego in the "I" figure tries to solve problems in NegeriSenja by saving it and keep “kotaksenja” away from twin guards seeking. The most dominant data in this research are superego aspects amount to 18 data. In line with the research findings discussed above, it can be concluded that the personality of the main character in the NegeriSenja novel by Seno GumiraAdjidarma based on superego personality aspects is the main character does not want to deal with the problems that occur in NegeriSenjanovel.

Based on the conclusion that has been proposed, it is suggested to (a) the teachers of Indonesian Language use the result of this research as a material for the appreciation of Indonesian Literature on the review of literary psychology on novel and can be used as teaching material in relevant literary basic competencies and can be expanded with other aspects, so that it can support the teaching of literature in an effort to improve students' understanding. (b) the student is expected to know about the personality aspects of the main character in the literary work especially on the novel,(c) it is expected to further researcher, this can be used as a reference for further research with the scope of the study on literary sociology, such as social conflict and others.


Keywords: Personality, main character, NegeriSenja novel.


Executive Summary


