Character Education Values of the Main Character in the Novel MemangJodohWritten by MarahRusli. Thesis.Indonesian Language and Literature Education.Departement of Language and Art Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Science of Education. Bung Hatt


  • Julita Alvira
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Syofiani .


Supervisor : 1. Dr. YettyMorelent, M. Hum.

                    2. Dra. Hj. Syofiani, M. Pd.

                 The study aimed to describe charactereducationvalues of the main character in the Novel MemangJodohWritten by MarahRusli. The theories used to analyze were the theory expressed by Zubaedi (2011), Kurniawan (2013), and Samani and Hariyanto (2016).Related to this, the writer conducted the study in order to look character education values of the main character in the novel MemangJodohby MarahRusli.

                 The type of the study was qualitative with a descriptive method, and the object used was the novel MemangJodohby MarahRusli. The  number of collected data was 69, and there were 15pillar character education  values consisting of honesty as many as 2 data, tolerance as many as 2 data, hardwork as many as 4 data, courtesy as many as  4 data, respect as many as 1 data, creativity as many as 6 data, patience as many as 1 datum, independence as many as 5 data , persistence as many as 1 datum , democracy as many as  5 data, curiosity as many as 9 data, having ideals as many as 3 data,  friendly/communicative manner as many as 10 data, awareness of the environment as many as 1 datum, and responsibility as many as 15 data.

                 Based on the study, the character education values of the main character of the novel MemangJodohby MarahRuslimostly found was responsibility as many as 15 data, while the least was the characters of respect, patience, persistence, and awareness of the environment as many as 1 datum.

Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the education value of the main character in the novel MemangJodoh by MarahRusli dominant is the character of responsibility, because responsibility is a duty which must be done for oneself or for society, this can be  seen when the main character has to go back to the city of Praja Semarang to continue his job as an agricultural expert which is delayed because of a disaster that hit the city of Semarang.

Key words : novel, character education value



