“Language Acquisition of a Child Aged 4,5 Years (a Study Case on Bunga Tria Wulandari) : a Syntactic Study”. Thesis. Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Departement of Language and Art Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Science of Educat


  • Aulia Patriona
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Gusnetti .


Supervisor : 1. Dr. Yetty Morelent, M. Hum.

                    2. Dra. Gusnetti, M. Pd.

                 The process of acquiring language for a child beginswhen he/she was born into the world. When new born, a child is not able to speak, and crying is one of his/her ways to interact with his/her mother and with other people around him/her. A child’s language acquisition depends on his/her mother because the mother tongue is the first language the child masters or acquires. Based on the writer’s observation on a child aged 4,5 years, Bunga Tria Wulandari, who became the object of the research, the writer thought that Bungaexcelled in speaking compared to other children her age. The process of her language development was faster than other children her age. The first language known by her was Minangkabau language because it was the language used in her family.

                 The type of the study was qualitative, while the method used was a descriptive study.  The method used to describe the language acquisition of a child aged 4,5 years (a study case of Bunga Tria wulandari) : a Syntactic Study involved phrases, clauses, and sentences. The informant of the study was Bunga Tria Wulandari aged 4,5 years. 

                 Based on the result of the study, there were 70 data of utterances expressed by Bunga in the language acquisition of a child aged 4,5 years on the studied object Bunga Tria Wulandari in the form of (1) phrases, (2) clauses, and (3) sentences. Out of those 70 utterances expressed by the respondent, there were 55 data of phrases and 15 data of clauses. The most dominant utterance spoken by Bunga was in the form of phrases.

                 In line with the findings of this study as described previously, it could be concluded that Bunga had been able to produce good sentences according to her age and say the sentences like adults.

Keywords : Language acquisition, Syntactic acquisition, a child’sutterance.


