The emotion of the Characters in the short storycollection of Mawar Hitam written by candra malik”. Study Program of Indonesia Language and Literature Education, Depertement of Language and Art Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Science of Educati


  • Tari Ukhuwah Islamiah
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Dainur Putri


Supervisor: 1. Dr. Yetty Morelent, M.Hum.

                   2. dra. Dainur putri M.Pd.


The study aimed to describe the emotion of the characters in the short story collection of Mawar Hitam written by Candra Malik. the theories used as supporting data of the study were from Mudjiran (2007) covering the emotion of anger, fear, and, love, and from Minderop (2011) covering the emotion of guilt, self-punishment, shame, sadness, and hatred.

The type of the study was qualitative using a descriptive method. The method was used to describe the emotion of the characters in the short story collection of Mawar Hitam written by Candra Malik (a literature psychology review) according to Moleong (2010:6). The object of the study focused on the emotion of the characters covering: (1) anger, (2) fear, (3) love, (4) guilt, (5) self-punishment, (6) shame, (7) sadness, and (8) hatred in the short story collection of Mawar Hitam by Candra Malik.

After analyzing the short story collection of Mawar Hitam by Candra Malik, 64 data were found. The most dominant emotion found was anger as many as 23 data, fear as many as 10 data, love as many as 7 data, guilt as many as 6 data, self-punishment as many 3 data, shame as many 5 data, and hatred as many as 7 data.

Thus, it could be concluded that the shot story collection of Mawar Hitam by Candra Malik described how the characters behaved and what emotion happened in each character. It could be seen from how the characters interected and how the write expressed anger, fear, love, guilt, self-punishment, shame, sadness, and hatred. All told emotional strength of each character in the short story collection of Mawar Hitam by Candra Malik.

Key words: emotion, short story collection of mawar hitam, literature psychology


