Persepsi Siswa terhadap Penggunaan Kata Serapan Baku Bahasa Indonesia di SMA Negeri 1 Padang”


  • Desy Rivalentina
  • Marsis .
  • Gusnetti .


According to Chaer, absorption words are words that come from a foreign language, then are used in Indonesian. Absorption words are also called loan words which are words borrowed from other languages that have been integrated into Indonesian and have been widely accepted by the general public. In other words, it can distinguish between original vocabulary and absorption word.

The purposes of this study are to describe students perceptions of the use of the Indonesian language standard absorption in SMAN 1 Padang. The theory used in this study is notion of perception (Slameto 2010), absorption words (Kridalaksana 2011), and the word absorption process (Chaer 2007). Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires and interviews. Data validity testing technique is done by triangulation technique. Data analysis techniques by: (1) describing the data from the questionnaire, (2) classifying the data based on the type of absorption words, (3) outlining the standard absorption words based on the use of standard uptake words, (5) formulating the results of the study.

Based on the data analysis and discussion, it was found that 88.6% of the number of students knew the word uptake was not standard and only 11.4% of the number of students knew the standard uptake words. The percentage found by students tends to choose more non-standard absorption words than standard absorption words. Perceptions of the use of standard Indonesian absorption words based on percentages, namely (1) never used by students by 0.8%, (2) sometimes used by students by 4.5%, and (3) students often use 6.1%, while on the absorption words the standard of students' perception is higher towards their use, namely (1) 3.3% is never used by students, (2) 35.1% is sometimes used by students, and (3) 50.2% is often used by students.

The conclusion of this study is that students tend to use the word foreign language rather than using the standard Indonesian word absorption. Students assume that the word students have used so far is in accordance with the KBBI. One factor students tend to use foreign languages is because of the influence of social languages and social media. Students should use the standard Indonesian absorption word where the word has been paired into the KBBI.

Keywords: perception, absorption words, SMAN 1 Padang.


