The Study of Literary Ecology in the Novel Hujan Written by Tere Liye”.Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Education


  • Ella Marsela
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Gusnetti .


The nature is one of the things that trigger the creation of literary works. The sea, mountain, cloud, forrest, and rain are words used by authors to enliven the atmosphere and to describe the contents of the work. Therefore, the study aimed to describe (1) ecological issues in the novel Hujan by Tere Liye, and (2)the attitude of the author through the characters' interaction with the environment in the Novel Hujan  by Tere Liye.

In the study were used several theories. First, according to Endaswara (2016:17), literary ecology is a perspective on understanding environmental issues in the perception of literature, or vice versa, it is about how to understand literature in the perspective of environment. Second, ecological issues according to Campbell, Reece, and Mitchell (2004: 273) cover two elements which are biotic and abiotic. Third, the attitude of the author with the environment according to Siahaan (2004: 43) consists of immanent and transcendent.

The type of the study was qualitative with a descriptive method. The data resource used in the study was the novel Hujanby TereLiye consisting of 318 pages, while the object of the study was the form of ecology in the novel. The data collecting was done through (1) reading the novel, (2) marking the object of the study found by highlighting ecological issues in the novel, (3)classifying the ecological issues found according to the theories, (4) copying the data in the form of data collecting table. The technique of the data validity testing used was the technique of triangulation. The data were analyzed through (1) classifying the data of the ecological issues identified in the novel, (2) analyzing the data of ecological issues of abiotic and biotic components and relating them with the character's response to the environment, (3) interpretingthe analysis results of the ecological issues found in the novel, (4) concluding the result of the study.  

Based on the result of the study and general conclusion were found as follow:  First, the ecological issues found were (1) the temperature, namely the instability of the earth's temperature causing the earth's population to be restless. (2) The water, namely extreme heat temperatures causing the earth's population to fear that water reserves were reduced and water quality decreased. (3) The stone and soil, namely the exploitation done by people disturbing the balance of ecosystem in the soil. (4) Periodical disruption such as volcanic eruptions disturbing human life. (5) The climate, namely the climate changes making the earth population restless and leaders of countries busy looking for the solution. (6) Population, namely the number of people which was very influential to both social and natural environment. Second, the attitude of the author through the interactions of the characters and the environment was immanent and transcendent. The most prominent attitude was immanent showing that the author cared for the sustainability of both natural and social environmental.

Key words : the novel Hujan, Literary ecology, biotic and abiotic components, immanent and transcendent


