Intelligent Character of Main Figure in Novel Pertemuan Dua Hati by Nh Dini


  • Ridha Prihastuti
  • M. Sayuti
  • Syofiani .


Novel contains events or situations related to represent a series of characters in daily life. One of evolving and beneficial life is a life that is turned on by human who has Intelligent character on it. The character is a natural trait of the  human which is used as behavior foundation in standard values and norms. The theory used to analyze personality is the theory put forward by Prayitno (2011: 49). Novel of  Pertemuan Dua Hati  by  Nh. Dini is one of  novels that reflects Intelligent character possessed by the main figure.

           This Research aims to describe intelligent character of main figure in the Novel Pertemuan Dua Hati by Nh Dini. The type of research is qualitative research which used descriptive method. Technique of data analysis are (1) describing behavior problems of figure in the novel, (2) grouping figure characters based on intelligent character in novel, (3) analyzing data according to grouped data based on investigation aspects, and (4) making a conclusion from the result of data interpretation.

            Based on data analysis and discussion, there is intelligent character of main figure in the novel Pertemuan Dua Hati by Nh Dini where the is obtained as follows: 4 intelligent  characters used are (1) smart in personal life as much as 6 data, this shows from the way how Mrs. Suci fulfilling his needs. One of them is by choosing job as a teacher is the thing she likes the most; because working as teacher makes she knows his students’ characters and can ease the burden on her husband. (2) smart in social life as much as 1 data, it can be seen from Mrs. Suci as part of society member, she is able adjusting her life in several conditions. (3) Smart in family life as much as 19 data, this shows from the way Mrs. Suci as a career woman never forget about her obligation as a mother and a wife for his husband. And (4) smart in work life as much as 27 data, it can be seen in the way Mrs. Suci loves his job abundantly that she works as a teacher professionally and responsible for all she does.

          Based on result of the research, it can be concluded that the dominance smart character from main figure in the novel Pertemuan Dua Hati by  Nh Dini is smart character in work life;  because as a teacher he is professional and is responsible for his work and from 53 data found that 27 data can be categorized as intelligent in working life.



Keywords: Intelligent Character, Novel Pertemuan Dua Hati byNh Dini


