Biology Module With Islamic Nuances On Household Chemical Material In Junior High School Class VIII 40 In Padang


  • Mella Windari
  • Wince Hendri
  • Nawir Muhar


The background of this research is the module teaching materials been found in the 40 SMPN Padang school. Especially in Biology subject the students sloping didn’t studied was daily in the class They ask give permision to go out from the class. Then, in of learning the lack of  association between learning material and Islamic values. The purpose this study is produce teaching materials in the form of Islamic nuanced modules on learning biology of household chemical materials in class VIII SMP N 40 Padang. This research is a development research with 3-D model, That are : Define, Design, and Development. The type of  this data is primary data. Primary data is the data by the validity of the module which is validated by the validator which is obtained directly through the validation sheet. The second of data is the result of practicality test data that was given to teachers and students of SMP N 40 Padang with the total of 30 students sampled in the research. Aspect assessment of the feasibility of content validity value was 91.67% with very valid criteria, linguistic components was 93.75% with very valid criteria, presentation components with very valid criteria and was 81.25% graphical components with valid criteria with an average of was 91.6% with very valid criteria. From this research it can be concluded that an Islamic nuanced module is produced on household chemical materials in class VIII of SMP N 40 Padang which is very valid and practical. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the average value of module validity was 91.6% with very valid criteria. Whereas the average value of practicality by the teacher was 84.0% and by students 88.2%, both of which are in practical criteria. Suggestions for teachers should use this Islamic nuances module because it is very valid and practical and the teacher should also be able to develop a biology learning module that has Islamic nuances and can relate biology lessons with Islamic values.


Key Words : Module,  Islamic Nuances, Valid And Practical.


