Analysis of the Second Year Students’ Errors in Pronouncing English Long Vowels at The English Department of Bung Hatta University


  • Siti Mariah
  • Lely Refnita
  • Khairul Harha


Pronunciation is one of important aspects to make communication clear. This is why it is important for English learners. In learning process, making pronunciation error is a natural phenomenon. Analyses of student’s errors are very important, because students will know their difficulty to pronounce words correctly, and they also will earlier realize their lack. Pronunciation refers to the production of sounds that we use to make meaning. It includes consonants, vowels, and diphthongs. The purpose of this research was to analyze students` errors in pronouncing English long vowels at the English Department of Bung Hatta University.

The design of this research was descriptive. The population of this research was the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The total sample members were 24 students, they were chosen by using total sampling technique. The instrument used to collect the data was oral pronunciation test. To make the test reliable, the researcher used inter-rater method. It means that there were two assessors to check the students’ pronunciation records. The correlation coefficient of the assessment was 0.82. It means that the test was reliable.

The result of this research showed that the students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University in general had errors in pronouncing English long vowels. The students had no errors in pronouncing long vowel /i:/. It was proved by finding that 100% students had no error. The students had error in pronouncing long vowel /ᴣ:/. It was proved by finding that 22% students had error. The students had error in pronouncing long vowel /α:/. It was proved by finding that 17% students had error. The students had no error in pronouncing long vowel /u:/. It was proved by the finding that 100% students had no error. The students had error in pronouncing long vowel /ɔ:/. It was proved by finding that most of students 61% had error.

Based on those findings, it could be concluded that the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University had errors in pronouncing English long vowels. In line with the conclusion of this research, students should more learn how to pronounce long vowels /ɔ:/, /u:/, and /ᴣ:/, and practice more to pronounce such vowels. Besides, the lecturers are suggested to give more explanation about producing long vowels and provide more exercises and practices for students to pronounce vowels.



Key words: pronunciation, English long vowels, error


