An Analysis of the Third Grade Students’ Ability in Understanding a Report Text at SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang


  • Afni Seskari
  • Lely Refnita
  • Lailatul Husna


English is an international language learned in many countries around the world including in Indonesia. Reading is one of four English skills that have to be learned by students. Students in senior high school, especially third-grade students at SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang, learn some texts according to the School-Based Curriculum. Texts in the study are exposition, explanation and report text.

The purpose of this research was to find out the ability of the third grade students of SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang in understanding a report text. This research was limited to the students’ ability in understanding  general classification and description of a report text.

The design of this research was descriptive. The population of this research was the third grade students of SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang. The number of population was 163 students. The researcher took the sample by using stratified cluster random sampling technique. The researcher took two classes as sample; XII MIA 3 and XII IIS 1. The number of sample was 52 students. The data were collected by giving a reading test. To know the reliability of the test, the researcher used split half method. The reliability index of this test was .86 and it was categorized into very high. It means the test was reliable

The result of data analysis revealed that the third grade students of SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang had low ability in understanding the report text. It was indicated by the fact that 47 students (90.38%) had low ability in understanding report text. Specifically, the students’ ability in understanding the general classification of a report text was low. It was indicated by the fact that 48 students (92.30 % ) had low ability. The students’ ability  in understanding the description of a report text was also low. It was indicated by the fact that 46 students ( 88.46 % ) had low ability.

By having known that the students’ ability in understanding a report text was low the researcher gives suggestion to English teachers, the students and further researcher. The English teachers are suggested to give more explanation and exercises about report text. The students are suggested to study hard  and learn more about report text, especially about general classification  and description. The further researchers are expected to find and analyze the factors which influence the students’ ability in understanding a report text.


Key words : Reading, Ability, Report Text


