The Development of Teaching Materials in the Form of Colored Comic Media Accompanied by Cross-Training in Learning Biology of the Material of Organizational Life Systems in Class VII of SMP 16 Padang


  • Deva Novianti
  • Lisa Deswati
  • . Gusmaweti


This research is motivated by teaching materials used in biology learning in the form of textbooks. The learning media used by the teacher is only in the form of power point slides. The presentation of the material using the media is less effective, because the material is still in the form of narration, so it does not attract students' attention in learning. Then the allocation of learning time is spent by students to record, so that not all learning objectives are achieved. Students have difficulty understanding the material with the teaching materials used. Students also convey the teaching material used is not interesting and easier to understand the subject matter by using pictures and stories.

This type of research is research and development. Subjects from this study are validators and practicalities. Validator is one Biology Education lecturer and one Computer Application lecturer. And the practicality is 50 students of class VII and 1 teacher of biology at SMP 16 Padang. The data of this research are teaching materials in the form of comic media accompanied by crossword puzzles based on primary data which are directly obtained from data sources (validator and practicality) through instruments (questionnaire validity and practicality).

This study obtained the average value of the validity of teaching materials in the form of comic media as much as 92.07% categorized as very valid. The practicality value of teaching materials is in the form of comic media accompanied by crossword puzzles by the teacher of 90.62% with very practical criteria. The practicality value of teaching materials in the form of comic media accompanied by crossword puzzles by students is 90.03% with very practical criteria.

      It can be concluded that teaching materials are in the form of comic media accompanied by crossword puzzles on learning biology of the organizational systems of life in class VII of SMP 16 Padang very practical to be used in learning. Suggestions from research are teaching materials that are developed suitable for use by teachers as learning media in the learning process that can foster students' interest in reading so as to improve student learning outcomes.


 Keywords: Comics, living organizational systems, valid and practical.


