Structural analysis of the novel I feel is not as funny as the work of nova eka putri


  • Suli Arminati
  • Dainur Putri
  • Gusnetti .


Literary work is an expression of the thoughts and feelings of an author in his effort to live the events that surround him, both those he experiences and those that occur to others and their community groups. The author's imagination results are poured into literary works presented to the reading community to be enjoyed, understood and utilized. According to Widjojoko and Hidayat (2006: 41) Novel is a story that depicts an extraordinary event from the life of a story character, and the event creates a crisis / inner upheaval that changes his destiny. The purpose of this study was to describe the theme, plot and characterization of the novel My Feelings Are Not That Bad "By Nova Eka Putri..

The theory that is used as a reference in research is the elements of the novel my feelings are not as funny That is the work of Nova Eka Putri. According to Nurgiyantoro (2013) Intrinsic elements in the novel. The novel " my feelings are not as funny That is by Nova Eka Putri, is a work that reveals that understanding the depth of a friendship with the principle "will not love the same person. In this novel found an overview of the theme, plot, and characterization.

This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Because this research is investigating, collecting, analyzing, managing, and interpreting data that has been collected. The source of the data in this study is the novel my feelings are not as funny That is by Nova Eka Putri,. Data collection techniques used in this study are: (1) reading and understanding the novel my feelings are not as funny That is by Nova Eka Putri, (2) marking words that use themes, lines, and characterizations of the my feelings are not as funny That is by Nova Eka Princess. Analysis of the data in this study was carried out in stages: (1) Noting the themes, plot and characterizations contained in the novel my feelings are not as funny That was the work of Nova Eka Putri, (1) Analyzing the themes, plot, and characterizing the novel my feelings are not as funny That was the work of Nova Eka Putri .

 After analyzing the theme, it turned out that the theme of the novel my feelings are not as funny That the work of Nova Eka Putri was about understanding the depth of a friendship with the principle "will not love the same person. The results of this study can be used as literary learning in schools, especially novels. Based on the results of the analysis of the theme, plot, and characterization of the novel " My Feelings Are Not That Bad" by Nova Eka Putri work can be concluded that: (1) The theme in the novel is about understanding the depth of a friendship with the principle "will not love the same person. (2) The flow of the novel " My Feelings Are Not That Bad" by Nova Eka Putri, that is structurally, using flow is conventional, because the events presented earlier are always the cause of the emergence of events afterwards. In other words, the conventional flow is the same as the forward flow. The statement uses two expository and dramatic techniques (conversation, behavior, thoughts and feelings, and physical portrayal). (3) Characterization is the way the author can portray the characters and develop the character of the characters who represent the type of human type desired by the theme. The development must be reasonable and can be accepted based on the causality relationship (cause and effect).


 Keywords: Structural, theme, plot and characterization, novel My Feelings Are Not That Bad


