Relationship between Introverted and Extroverted Personality with Learning Outcomes of Class XI MAN 2 Padang City Students


  • Agra Dira Wisesa
  • . Gusmaweti
  • Nawir Muhar


This research is motivated by the many factors that influence student learning outcomes. Students' skills and abilities to absorb lessons are the most important factors as determinants. One of the important factors related to students' ability to realize their full potential is personality. This study aims to describe introverted and extroverted personality of students of class XI MIPA MAN 2 Padang City and to see the relationship between learning outcomes between introverted personality and extroverted personality in class XII MIPA MAN 2 Padang City.


       This type of research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The research subjects were students of class XI MIPA 1 with a total of 36 students and class XI MIPA 2 with a total of 34 students. Data analysis in this study uses the SPSS 22 program. For each statement item will have the highest score 4 and the lowest score 1. Before conducting a correlation test, the normality test of the sample is conducted which aims to see whether or not the data will be analyzed normally.


       Based on the results of the study the authors obtained introverted and extroverted personality of students who had high introvert and extrovert personality scores. Introvert and extrovert personality questionnaire data and learning outcomes in this study were normally distributed which exceeds the significance level of 0.00 <0.05. The results of regression correlation analysis showed a positive relationship between introvert and extrovert personality relationships to students' biology learning outcomes.


       The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is the average value of the overall questionnaire personality introvert and extrovert to the results of learning biology class XI MAN 2 Padang City is 2.33 (standard deviation 0.90) with low interpretation. The relationship between introvert and extrovert personality with the results of learning biology in class XI MAN 2 of Padang City has a positive relationship, each of which correlates significantly at the 0.05 coefficient.


Keywords `: introverts, extroverts, learning outcomes


