Development of Problem Solving IPA Module in Human Digestion System Material for Class VIII of SMP N 27 Padang


  • Sri Mutiara Fortuna
  • Wince Hendri
  • Rona Taula Sari


Education is a very important aspect to improve the quality of the nation. This education cannot be separated from the learning process involving teachers and students. In essence, the purpose of education is a change in behavior, moral or social intellectual students, in order to be independent in the life of society. In achieving educational goals, students use the learning environment carried out by the teacher through the learning process, learning materials, methods and media of learning and learning.


This type of research is development, this research aims to produce problem-based science products in mathematics systems for junior high school students in class VIII. This research was conducted in class VIII.5 in SMP N 27 Padang in Even semester.

The results of the validation of the module based on Problem Solving are valid with a value of 88.04%. Validation results are used to model problems. Problem Solving that develops is in accordance with the existing process.

The results of the data analysis show that the module developed using the average by the teacher is 96.67% with a very practical ratio. While the students showed an average value of 84.35% with a practical ratio.

Researchers can develop IPA modules based on Problem Solving for material because this module can be used as a companion print media in the learning process


Keywords: Module, Problem Solving, Digestion System, Validity, Practicality


