Relationship of Physical Fitness With Learning Outcomes of Physical Education and Student Health Public Elementary School 37 Koto Pulai Koto XI Sub-District Tarusan District Pesisir Selatan


  • Sepriadi Ega Putra,
  • Yuni Astuti
  • Ali Mardius


Physical freshness is needed by every student to gain high level of skill,ability and learning ability, one way to maintain and improve physical freshness by doing regular exercise or activity and beneficial for relation to that need to be activated again penjasorkes and health in school. Widiastuti (2017:3) Physical freshness is a physical condition that describes physical potential and ability to perform certain tasks with optimal results without showing fatigue which means.

This type of research is Quantitative with correlational approach.the population this research is the student of public elementary 37 Koto Pulai school year 2017. consisting of sons and daughters aged 10-12 years totaling 26 students sampling in this study using total sampling method. So the sample is 26 students. the data was taken by scaling up physical fitness using physical fitness test (TKJI) aged 10-12 years and learning outcomes taken from the teacher penjasorkes. the data obtained was analyzed with product moment correlation (single correlation).

The results of the data analysis concluded that there was a significant relationship between the level of physical fitness(X) and learning outcomes penjasorkes student of public elementary school 37 Koto Pulai(Y) with relationship level rhit = 0,4094 > rtab = 0,3960 at significant level α = 0,05 dan thit = 2,19 > ttab = 2,06. That is, physical fitness is one of the factors supporting the success of students who are assessed from student learning outcomes.

For physical education teachers in general and especially physical education teacher in public elementary school 37 Koto Pulai is suggested to improve the physical fitness off student through physical education activities in order to improve learning outcomes physical education students of public elementary school 37 koto pulai better.


Keywords:  Physical Freshness and Learning Outcomes


