The First Year Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Education Topic at English Department of Bung Hatta University.


  • Roza Yuliani
  • Ernati Bambang
  • Fitrina Harmaini


Vocabulary is an important aspect in learning English, because when the students learn English they must know vocabulary in all kinds of topics; such as education, work, communication and others. It means that when the students learn English, they must learn and enrich the vocabulary in each field, especially in the field of education. Related to this, this research is focused on the first year students’ vocabulary mastery in education topic at English Department of Bung Hatta University.

The type of this research was descriptive research. The purpose of this research was to describe the students’ vocabulary mastery in education topic at English Department Bung Hatta University. The population of this research was the first year students at English Department of  Bung Hatta University. The total number of population members was 16. They consist of one class. In selecting the sample members, the researcher used total sampling technique. The instrument used to collect the data was vocabulary test.

The result of the data analysis showed that in general the first year students’ vocabulary at English Department of Bung Hatta University was good mastery. It was proved that 10 students (62.5%) got good mastery. In detail, the students’ vocabulary mastery of noun, verb, adverb was very good. It was proved that 8 students (50%) had very good mastery of noun,  11 students (68.75%) had very good mastery of verb, and 7 students (43.75%) had very good mastery of adverb.  However, the students’ vocabulary mastery of adjective in education topic was good. It could be proved that 9 students (56.25%) had good mastery of adjective.

From the result of data analysis, it can be concluded that  the students’ vocabulary mastery in education topic was good. Based on the conclusion, the researcher gave some suggestions. The lecturer is suggested to increase students’ vocabulary mastery by giving more practice and more exercises especially vocabulary of adjective. For students, in order to improve their vocabulary mastery, they should make effort to increase their vocabulary mastery by doing more practice and more exercise especially vocabulary of adjective. Further researcher is suggested to do research about vocabulary mastery of scientific words.


Key words : Vocabulary mastery, education topic.


