Directive Speech Act on Cahaya Cinta Pesantren Novel Created by Ira Mandan: a Pragmatic Observation


  • Hori Mailanda
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Romi Isnanda


According to Leech based on Syahrul (2008:33) directive speech act is a speech act which designed to encourage the participant to do something.  Therefore, a speech act aims to get an effect which carries out by announcer. According to Searlenyang based on Syahrul (2008:34) directive speech act has various kinds of speech act. The variation of directive speech act pertains with the effort by announcer so that the participant desires to do something.

            This research aims to describe: (1) Kind of directive speech act on Cahaya Cinta Pesantren Novel Created by Ira Mandan, and (2) Context of directive speech act on Cahaya Cinta Pesantren Novel Created by Ira Mandan. Technique of data collection on this research is (1) Reading the novel uses reading comprehension technique (2) Marking the data on novel, and (3) Grouping the data based on theory on the table. Technique of data analysis on this research is (1) Inventorying the data based on focus of research, (2) Analyzing the data get on reading, observation, and classification (3) Interpreting the data based on speech context, and (4) Report stage, reporting all of the result of data analysis phase on descriptive report.

            Based on the data of the research, the researcher found kinds of speech act such as (1) a request, the expression appears when Shila character and her uncle ask her uncle about mondok equipment, (2) a question, this speech act dominates the expression on this novel because the expression of question and answer often use on this novel between the religious students with the religious teacher and the religious students with the fellow religious students (3) a command, the expression appears when Shila follows the activity which command by religious teacher, (4) a probhibition, this expression appears when the religious teacher tells about rule of islamic school, (5) a authorization, this expression is none on this novel, because this novel explains about learning activities of religious students, therefore the question expression often appears on this novel and (6) a counsel, this expression appears when the religious teacher gives guidelines to the students. Based on the result of research, the researcher concludes the novel Cahaya Cinta Pesantren Novel uses directive speech acts but the expression of authorization is none on this speech act expression. Every kind of directive speech acts causes of different contexts, such as the context about character felling like sad, happy, and the expression which happen in Islamic school environment, hospital, and several houses of characters on Cahaya Cinta Pesantren Novel.

Keywcord: Pragmatic, Directive Speech Act, Context, Novel.


