A Validity Analysis of IT Based Media Designed (Case Study on Two Videos) by Third Year Students’ of English Department of Bung Hatta University”.


  • Yurike Wulandari
  • Fitrina Harmaini
  • Lisa Tavriyanti


Technology can increase the education quality from time to time. Technology greatly affect the educational world because sources of knowledge can be obtained through technology. Learning technologies are software technology which is systematic way in solving the learning problems is more sophisticated and widely available in educational world (Suparman & Zuhairi in Warsita, 2008:10). English Department of Bung Hatta University uses technology as a tool in learning. The students  has learned how to design IT Based Media in Learning. They learned Movie Maker application and they were assigned to create video. Unfortunately, some of them did not understand in operating this media. They did not know to insert a photo, and a song. In addition, they felt difficult to combine a video and the big problem was they had difficult in expressing their ideas to make video.


          The purpose of this research was to describe IT based media validity. The media was a video by using Movie Maker designed by 2 students of the third year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University. The design of this research was descriptive research. The 2 products of media were assessed by 2 validators. The products were 2 movie Maker Videos that were created by 2 third year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University. They were animated and not animated one.

The result of data validity analysis was classified into good and enough validity. It could be seen from the result of validation  sheet of learning media that the student’s 1 video was good (74%) and the student’s 2 video was good (62%). Then according to the results of validators scoring that the student 1 has enough criterion in substance of material aspects. Next, the student’s 2 video was enough (53%) in substance material aspects. In other aspects, the student’s 1video was good (85%) in display of visual communication aspects. For the student’s 2 video was enough (70%) in display of visual communication aspects. Then, for the utilization of software aspects, the student’s 1 video was enough (68%) while the student’s 2 video was enough (63%).

Finally, based on the findings the validity of media. Consequently, it is suggested to English students of Bung Hatta University that they should have more practices in the classroom in other to have more comprehension in making movie maker video and more creative to give their ideas. Then it is suggested to the future researcher to develop the research about IT based media not only Movie Maker media but also the other media such as Mix Pad and Wave Pad application.

Key Word : Media Validity Design,Movie Maker Application, Validity Analysis.


