Rhetoric of Ustaz Khalid Basalamah and Mahkota Pengantin


  • Hartina Hidayati Fajrin
  • Marsis .
  • Syofiani .


Rhetoric is the art of speaking, which we must use in communicating. One of the art of speaking that can be heard is in the lecture. In connection with this matter, this study aims to describe the rhetorical language of affirmation and the conflicting rhetorical language style used in Ustaz Khalid Basalamah's lecture in the Mahkota Pengantin Study.

In this study consisted of several linguistic theories. First, according to Keraf (2005: 1), rhetoric is a term traditionally given to a technique of using language as an art based on a well-structured knowledge. Second, the rhetoric language style division according to Keraf (2005: 124) is divided into reorika language style of assertion which consists of pleonasm, repetition, climax, anticlimactic, erotesis or rhetorical question, hyperbol, asonance, apostrophe, asindenton, polisindenton, euphemismus, litotes, tautology , periphrasis, prolepsis, silepsis, zeugma, correction or epanortosis, and language styles of conflict namely, paradox, antithesis, apophasis or preterisio, chiasmus, proteron hysterone, and oxymorone. Third, understanding lectures according to Hendrikus (1991: 50) that lectures are providing information on knowledge.

This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The source of the data in this study was taken from a recording of Ustaz Khalid Basalamah's lecture in Mahkota Pengantinstudy which was downloaded via youtube with a duration of 1 hour 29 minutes 59 seconds. While the object of this study is the rhetoric of Ustaz Khalid Basalamah. Data collection was done by: (1) downloading Ustaz Khalid Basalamah's video lecture which would be used as research data, (2) listening and transcribing the contents of Ustaz Khalid Basalamah's lecture in written form, (3) reading repeatedly and matching the data that had been found based on data collection format. Data validity testing technique is done by triangulation technique. Data analysis was done by: (1) identifying data from all lecture contents, (2) interpreting and recapitulating the object of research found, (3) concluding the results of data analysis.

The conclusion of this study is that Ustaz Khalid Basalamah's lecture is dominant using rhetorical language style affirming repetition. Namely the style of language with repetition of syllables, words or parts of sentences that are considered important. The background to the rhetorical language of affirming the dominant repetition is the speed of Ustaz in conveying the content of the lecture.


Keywords: rhetoric, language style, lecture.


