Pemerolehan Bahasa Minangkabau Anak Kembar Usia 3;0 Tahun di Kelurahan Pasar Usang Kota Padang Panjang (Studi Kasus: Arlando dan Charlieco)
Language acquisition is a subconscious process or mental process that leads to language competence and mastery of grammar that does not require vocabulary memorization, grammatical rules, and social applications. Twins develop and interact in the environment and receive the same treatment from both parents and other family members. Twins tend to have a high level of jealousy, where they do not want to be distinguished. This research aims to describe Minangkabau language acquisition for twins aged 3, 0 years (case study: Arlando and Charlieco) in syntactic aspects which include: (1) declarative sentences, (2) imperative sentences, (3) interrogative sentences, and ( 4) exclamation sentence.
The theory used as a reference in the research is the theory of language acquisition as presented by Chaer (2009: 168) language acquisition includes three grammatical components, namely: (1) phonological components, (2) syntactic components, and (3) semantic components. Many language acquisition experts assume that syntax acquisition begins when children can combine two or more words (less children aged 2; 0 years).
The type of research used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data in this study are in the form of words, sentences, and utterances related to the acquisition of syntax. Data analysis is done by: (1) transcribing records, (2) grouping data according to situation, (3) deciphering sentences based on their syntactic form, (4) making analysis conclusions, and (5) discussing the results of data analysis from the scientific side. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it was found that the acquisition of Minangkabau twins aged 3, 0 years, was generally the same, but there were significant differences from: (1) how to speak, (2) the ability to catch children, (3) vocabulary mastery, and (4) child psychology. Thus, it can be concluded that twins raised in the same environment even though have basic differences in the acquisition of language, in addition to the similarities commonly found so far.
Keywords: language acquisition, vocabulary, twins.