An Analysis of The First Year Students’ Ability in Writing Sentences in Simple Future Tense at English Department of Bung Hatta University.


  • Yuni Silvia
  • Joni Alfino
  • Welya Roza


Writing is one of the English skills that is very important and one of the language skills that should be mastered by students. Writing is a form of communication to deliver throught or to express feeling through written form ( Harmer 2001:79 ).

The type of this research was descriptive research and the purpose of this research was to describe the students’ ability in writing sentences in simple future tense at English Department of BungHatta University. The population of this research was the first year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University. The total number of population members was 26. Here, the researcher used total sampling technique. The instument used to collect data was writing test.

The result of the data analysis showed that in general, the writing ability had by first year students of English Department of BungHatta University was very good. It was proved that 96% of students got score in the range 81-100(see Appendix 4). In details, in writing ability positive verbal sentence the students’ had very good ability. It could be proved that 100% of students (see Appendix 5). Then, in writing ability for negative verbal sentence the students had very good ability, it could be proved that 100% of students (see Appendix 6). In writing intreogrative verbal sentence the students had very good ability. It could be proved that 100% of students (see Appendix 7). In writing positive nominal sentence the students had very good ability. It could be proved that 92% of students (see Appendix 8). Then in writing negative nominal sentence the students had very good ability, it could be proved that 92% of students (see Appendix 9). And the last one, in writing interogrative nominal sentence the students had very good ability, it could be proved that 92% of students (see Appendix 10).

From the result of data analysis,it can be concluded that the students were able to develop their writing ability. The researcher purposes some suggestion. First the lecturer is suggested to improve students’ writing ability, lecturer should give more exercise to the students. Second the students is suggested to improve their writing ability. They should study hard and to do more exercise. At last, the researcher hopes that the next researcher will use this research as a reference to expand the next research or conduct other researchers.


Keywords : abilty, writing, simple future tense



