Main Character and Religious Value of Personality Changes in Novel Dari Kota Solo Hingga Brattleboro by Yoyok Mugiyatno


  • Okma Permata
  • Syofiani .
  • Gusnetti .


Personality itself is a picture of an individual's behavior. A person's behavior can change due to several factors, such as the environment and interference in the brain of an individual. That personality can be brought from birth and develop according to the passage of time and activity in daily life. This study aims to describe: (1) changing in the personality of the main character in the novel under titled Dari Kota Solo Hingga Brattleboro by Yoyok Mugiyatno and (2) religious values in the novel Dari Kota Solo Hingga Brattleboro by YoyokMugiyatno.

               The theory underlying this research was taken by Nurgiyantoro (2010) which stated that the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of the novel must be complete, because both of two elements can influence a literary work and the theory proposed by Sujanto (2009) was about development and changing personality, as well as the theory put forward by Azra and friends (2002), stated that religious values consisted of three values namely aqidah, sharia, and morals.

               This type of research was qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data collection was carried out in the novel Dari Kota Solo Hingga Brattleboro Yoyok Mugiyatno’s creation was by reading, understanding and collecting data, marking sentences that showed changes in personality and religious values, recording marked sentences regarding changes in personality and religious values, and grouping data that has been collected into tables. Data analysis techniques in this study were as follows: identifying data relating to changes in personality of the main character and religious values, analyzing data relating to changes in the personality of the main character and religious values, and concluding the results of data analysis based on personality changes and religious values.

               Based on data analysis and discussion, there were some findings as follow: First, changing in the personality of the main character if seen in: (a) changing in the variation of behavior, before the life of the main character was free. After Narimo met with a cleric, Narimo could change his behavior for the better, (b) the wider field of activity, Narimo had not been able to read the Koran, now Narimo had been able to read the Koran since it was taught by a cleric. (c) changing in the level of reality, Narimo already believed in Islam and always carried out the commands of Allah, and (d) the differentiation of behavior, Narimo who previously could not give recitation to the assembly of the Darul Ulum Foundation, now Narimo has been able to deliver recitation after Narimo studied with a cleric. Second, the religious value of the main character can be seen in (a) morality, Narimo who had a sense of help and kindness, (b) aqidah, Narimo believed in the Koran, that there were many lessons learned after reading the Koran, and (c) sharia, Narimo always maintained his relationship with the community around the DarulUlum study and teaches the community to study Islam.               Thus, it can be concluded that there were influences from the family and social environment that made Narimo free and mischievous. However, after Narimo met with a cleric, Narimo's personality changed for the better because he was taught by religious teachers about behavior and religion.


Keywords: personality changes, novels Dari Kota Solo Hingga Brattleboro, and religious values.


