“Teaching Vocabulary by Method of Guessing Word


  • Blizka Fattiah Syaris
  • Welya Roza
  • Lailatul Husna


Reading is the fundamental skill upon which all formal education depends. Having reading skill, the students are able to gain knowledge. They can read the books, dictionary, novel or story (Collin,2004) . In English learning and teaching, reading skill belongs to language skills beside listening, speaking, and writing. All these skills must be mastered by students during studying starting from Junior and Senior High Schools, and even in higher education.

The purpose of this research was to improve students reading ability through teaching vocabulary using guessing word method to the students’ at class VII.I of MTsN Model Padang. In this research the researcher focused the research on the implementation of Guessing Word Method (GWM)  in teaching of vocabulary for increasing reading ability at class VII.I of MTsN Model Padang. The total number of sample was 38 students. The instrument used to get the  data was the reading test. To know the reliability of the test, the researcher used split half method. The reliability index of the test was  0,48 ( Enough ), it means that the test was reliable

The result of analysing data showed that the the students’ at class VII.I of MTsN Model Padang  can increase vocabulary in reading ability. There was two cycle in teaching and learning, for each cycle had a test. At cycle 1 there were 38 students who did the test, 10 of the students got low score under the KKM and 28 students’ got high score and the writer got the average from the test was 80,9. At cycle 2 the researcher gave test 2. The result was all the students get score high from 75 (KKM) its mean all the students’ pass the test.

In line with such conclusion, the researcher suggests the students to increased their vocabulary at their home with found the new vocabulary in dictionary that related with the topic. For the teacher is better to consideration GWM became the reference of alternative method of teaching and learning in the classroom with more creative to arranged the lessons that related with current situation.


Key Words : Vocabulary, Reading ability, Guessing Word  Method.


