The Second Year Students' Speaking Ability to Carry out Interview at English Department of Bung Hatta University


  • Desy Musviawati
  • Ernati Bambang
  • Lisa Tavriyanti


Many people in the world should learn and master English because it is important for them to communicate with people in the world. Mastering English means mastering four language skills. One of them is speaking. According to Rahman and Deviyanti (2012), speaking is an ability to express ideas, feeling, and emotions to the others. There are many activities done in speaking. One of them is interview. Interview is a conversation to gather information. English interview is very important for students because they will face interview in many aspects of life, including applying for a job. Based on the previous phenomenon, it is important to do research about speaking ability to carry out interview.

The purpose of this research is to describe the second year students’ speaking ability to carry out interview. The population of this research was the second year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University.The total sample members are 24 students. The researcher used total sampling technique. The data were collected through speaking test. To make the test reliable, the researcher used inter-rater method. It means that there were two scorers to check the students’ speaking recording. The correlation coefficients of two scores was 0.95. It means that the test was reliable.

The result of this research showed that the students’ speaking ability to carry out interview at English Department of Bung Hatta University in general was classified into very good ability. It was proved by the fact that there were 83.3% students had very good ability. Specifically, The students’ speaking ability in asking questions (content) was very good. It was proved by fact that 95.8% students had very good ability. The students’ speaking ability in using vocabulary was very good. It was proved by fact that 100% students had very good ability. The students` speaking ability in using grammar was very good. It was proved by fact that 54.2% students had very good ability. The students` speaking ability in term of fluency was good. It was proved by fact that 70.8% students had good ability. The students` speaking ability in pronouncing words was very good. It was proved by fact that 100% students had very good ability.

Based on the result  of this research, it can be concluded that the second year students’ speaking ability to carry out interview  at English Department of Bung Hatta University is very good. Related to this, the lecturers are suggested to maintain the students’ speaking ability to carry out interview by giving more different topic in interview. The last, the students are suggested to improve speaking activities, in order that the students’ ability will be better.

Key Words : Speaking, Ability, and Interview.


