Directive Speech Acts in Cipoa Drama Script by Putu Wijaya


  • Susi Yumailis
  • Marsis .
  • Dainur Putri


Directive speech acts are a form speech that expects a response or response and action from the opponent to speak. While the drama script is an essay or story in the form of an action or act that is still in the form of an unpublished text or writing (stage). This study aims to describe the form, type, and context of directive speech acts contained in the drama script of Cipoa by Putu Wijaya.

            In this study several opinions are used, namely Syahrul (2008) said that directive speech acts consist of six categories: request directive speech acts, question, orders, prohibitions, licensing, and advising. Nadar (2013) says context is as an environmental situation in a broad sense that allows the participant to be able to interact and make their speech understandable. Waluyo (2003) said that the drama script was written in the form of dialogue based on inner conflict and had the possibility of being staged.

            This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. Data collection is done by: (1) reading the script of Cipoa drama by Putu Wijaya by using comprehension reading techniques, (2) mark the data found in the drama script, (3) classifying data based on theory into table form. Data analysis techniques in this study are (1) grouping the data found in accordance with the research into the data collection table. (2) review all data that has been obtained from reading, observing and classifying. (3) identify data according to the type of speech act. (4) interpret data according to the context of speech. (5) make conclusions from the resultof data analysis.

            From the results of the study, it was found that there were 6 types of directive request speech acts, questions, orders, prohibitions, licensing, and advising. The form of directive speech acts in the Cipoa drama script by Putu Wijaya that is widely found is the directive speech act of the question which is as much as 80 data, while the least found is the permission directive speech act which is 2 data. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that in the script of Cipoa drama by Putu Wijaya used a lot of directive speech acts in dialogue between characters. This is evidenced by the use of directive request speech actions, questions, orders, prohibitions, licensing, and advising.

Keywords: pragmatics, directive speech act, cipoa drama script



