Novel Ekranisasi 9 Summers 10 Autumns by IwanSetyawan to Film 9 Summers 10 Autumns by SutradaraIfaIsfansyah


  • Tiodora Novrianti Sinaga
  • Gusnetti .
  • Syofiani .


Ecranization is a process of passing or transferring or lifting a novel into a film. Transfers from novels to white screens inevitably lead to various changes. Therefore, ecranization can also be referred to as a process of change that experiences shrinking, adding (expanding), and changing with a number of variations, (Eneste, 1991: 60). According to (Damono, 2005: 96) the transfer of vehicles is a change from one type of art to another type of art. The means that are meant here are of course different from translations. Translation and translation are the transfer of literary works from one language to another, while the transfer of means is the conversion of literary or artistic works into other types of art.

            This study aims to describe: (1) the story of 9 Summers 10 Autumns novels by IwanSetyawan, (2) the story of 9 Summers 10 Autumns film by SutradaraIfaIsfansyah, and (3) a comparison of 9 Summers 10 Autumns. Data analysis was done by: (1) inventorying data, data collected in both novels and films, (2) classifying data based on data obtained through the inventory stage, (3) analyzing data by comparing novel stories with films, and (4 ) draw conclusions from the results of data analysis.
Based on data analysis and discussion, there were 72 episodes of film reduction, there were 38 episodes of addition in the film and variation of the variation was 38 episodes. Reduction of novel stories that are not contained in the film can be seen in events, settings and characters. At the end of the novel, Iwan recounts his activities in Indonesia after returning from New York.

            The conclusion of this study: that the reduction in film is due to the problem of production costs and the duration of the film. While the addition in the film was held because of the director's creativity, so that the film was not boring and enjoyable to be watched by the public.

Keywords: Ekranisasi, novels, and films.


