Implementation of the Syndicate Group Method on Learning Student Mathematics in Grade IX of SMPN 25 Padang


  • Astari Asrar
  • Fazri Zuzano
  • Listy Vermana


The low results of mathematics learning in the eighth grade students of SMPN 25 Padang were the background of this study. This is due to teacher-centered learning, low activity and student involvement in the learning process and also the responsibilities of students at that time. One way that can be done is to use the Syndicate Group syndicate because this method has the advantage that people who learn are responsible for the tasks given because of different tasks.

Grade IX students of Padang 25th State Junior High School in Exception 2018/2019, except for class IX.1 being the country in this study. Class IX.6 consists of 31 people as control class and IX.8 as many as 32 people as an experimental class.

Recording as data of student learning activities in the experimental class. Student activities every meeting in class. Producing some student activities is still discussing. While the learning outcome data is obtained by means of a final test in a sample class consisting of six items. In accordance with the data of students' mathematics learning outcomes in the sample class, with an average difference test with a level of α = 0.05. obtained  and , meaningiso that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. The conclusion is the learning outcomes using the Syndicate Group method is better than the learning outcomes of ordinary learning students.

From the results of this study the teacher researcher so that the mathematics teacher at SMPN 25 Padang can use the Syndicate Group method as one of the mathematics learning as an effort to make education more active and can improve students' mathematical values.


Keywords: syndicate group, activity, learning outcomes.


