An Analysis of the Students’ Mistakes at Class VII in Solving Mathematics Question in the Problem Posing Learning Model at SMPN 9 Pariaman


  • Raycha Disa Viona
  • Rita Desfitri
  • Yusri wahyuni


Many students did some mistakes when doing the mathematics question eventhough the learning process was doing well. The other background of the research was the students was not familiar to study by using problem posing learning model  and the learning process was still focus to the teacher.

            The purpose of this research were to describe students’ mistakes and to know the factors that lead the students’ did the mistakes in solving mathematics question, the problem posing learning model.  This research have two questions, firstly how much the percentage of concepts mistakes,  principles, and algorithm and what did the caused that students made mistakes in solving mathematics problem.

This research was conducted by using descriptive research. The population of this research were the students at class VII at SMPN 9 Pariaman and the sample of this research were the students at class VII.4. The data collection used written tests in the form of description and interview to the selected students. The total number of mistakes made by students were also considered to choose students to be interviewed.

The research showed that there were some mistakes students did in solving mathematics question. Based on the presentation of data in the form of bars and lines, there were grouped into three types of mistakes, namely i) the mistake of concepts were 57,89 % ii) the mistake of principle were 65,79%, and iii) the mistake of algorithm were 28,95%. Based on the result of interview there were several factors that caused students did the mistakes. For example the students were careless in solving mathematics question, the students were not able to understand the material given, and the students’ less understanding the prerequisite knowledge, environment factors, instrumental factors, and psychological condition. In general, it could be concluded that the internal and external factor were the cause of students did  the mistakes.


Key Words : Students’ mistakes, mathematics question, problem posing learning model


