Influence of Mathematical Logical Intelligence and Learning Interests Against Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Grade IX of SMPN 27 Padang


  • Widya Wara Anjani
  • . Niniwati
  • . Fauziah


This research is motivated because students are less able to solve mathematical problems, less visible interaction between students and teachers. In addition, when solving questions that are different from the questions exemplified by the teacher, most students find it difficult to solve the problem. The low ability of students to think is influenced by their intelligence and students' interest in learning. With conditions like this, it will cause students' mathematics learning outcomes to be low and not as expected. Therefore, a study was conducted on the influence of mathematical logical intelligence and learning interest on the mathematics learning outcomes of grade IX students at SMPN 27 Padang.

This type of research is descriptive research. The population in this study were all classes IX of SMP 27 Padang. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was a mathematical logical intelligence questionnaire and interest in learning, as well as tests of students' mathematics learning outcomes.

The results of this study indicate that from a sample of 28 students there is a correlation coefficient between mathematical logical intelligence and interest in learning towards mathematics learning outcomes of 0,3 with the regression equation  = 143,29 – 0,606X1 – 0,397X2. In addition, mathematical logical intelligence and interest in learning have no significant effect on mathematics learning outcomes, which is only 9% with Fhit  Ftab that is 1,24  3,39. Thus, mathematical logical intelligence and simultaneous learning interest have no effect on the mathematics learning outcomes of grade IX students of SMPN 27 Padang. Then the Hypothesis H0 in this study was rejected. This is because when giving test questions, the author does not see firsthand how the teacher explains the material and maybe the students still do not understand about the material. As well as when filling out the questionnaire, students do not really fill it without paying attention to the statement. Questionnaire filling also depends on Human Resources (HR) and schools.

From the results of this study, the teacher is expected to know the level of mathematical logical intelligence and student learning interest, so as to be able to choose learning methods that will be applied in the learning process to develop mathematical logical intelligence and student learning interest.


Keywords: Mathematical logical intelligence, learning interest, learning outcomes


