Application Of Active Learning Type Of Plantet Question In Learning Mathematics Students Class VIII SMPN 27 Padang


  • . Simiyati
  • . Niniwati
  • . Fauziah


One of the factors that causes low learning outcomes or the percentage of students who reach the limitations of learning mathematics is that classroom learning is still teacher-centered,  interactions that occur are only between smart students and teachers, most students are less brave in expressing their opinions. When students work on questions students experience difficulties, students only apply the problem which is axactly the same as previous example. To overcome these problems, the author conducted a study entitled “Application of Active Learning Type Plantet Question Learning Mathematics Students Class VIII SMPN 27 Padang”.

            The type of research is experimental. VIII grade students in 27 Padang were population in this study. The sample in this research is class VIII.4 a total of 35 students as experimental class and class VIII.2 a total of 35 students as control class. Based on data analysis of student learning outcomes in both classes of research  samples, after testing the hypothesis  was obtained 2= 6,04 and db = 1 therefore p < 0,05 means rejected  and accepted .

            Thus, the hypothesis which states that the proportion of students who achieve mastery of mathematics learning outcomes that apply active learning type Plantet Question is higher than the proportion of students who achieve mastery learning mathematics who apply ordinary learning, it was concluded that the proportion of students by applying active learning type Plantet Question was higher than the proportion of students who applied ordinary learning.

Researchers suggest that teachers can apply active learning type Plantet Question in learning mathematics as an alternative to achieving learning goals.

Keywords : Results of mathematics learning of students, avtive learning type Plantet Question.


