Speech Act in the Mata Najwa TV Programme on Trans7


  • Elveni Yurina
  • Syofiani .
  • Romi Isnanda


Basically, speech event is series of a number of organized speech acts in achieving a goal of speech event. Speech acts divided into three types namely locution, illocution, and perlocution. This research aimed to describe the forms  of illocutionary speech acts which comprise: act of declaration, representative action, expressive action, directive action, and commissive action in the Mata Najwa  programme on Trans7.

The theories of this research used were Pragmatic stated by Yule (2006), Discourse Analysis stated by Wijana (2009), and Opening Introductury Sociolinguistic stated by Abdul Chaer (2014). The type of this research was qualitative research which used descriptive method. The data source of this research was the Mata Najwa programme, while the object of this research was the speech on the Mata Najwa programme.

The techniques of collecting data of this research were done with these following steps: (1) listening to the Mata Najwa programme show with the theme Jokowi’s Political Card, (2) downloading the show by using Youtube in the form of vidio with the theme Jokowi’s Political Card in the Mata Najwa  programme, (3) transcribing the data from verbal to writing. The Techniques of Analyzing Data in this research done with these steps: identifying the data found were about illocutionary speech acts comprise: act of declaration, representative action, expressive action, directive action, commissive action on the Mata Najwa  programme on Trans7, (2) describing data related to the research problems namely speech acts on the Mata Najwa  programme on Trans7, (3) concluding the data analysis to see speech acts on the Mata Najwa  programme on Trans7.

Based on the data analysis and the discussion, it was obtained the results of this research as follow: it was found that there were 40 data of representative speech act, 2 data of expressive speech act, 21 data of directive speech act, and commissive and declaration speech acts were not found. It can be concluded that the speech act on the Mata Najwa  programme on Trans7 showed that the forms of illocutionary speech act in the representative category were the most dominant among declaration, expressive, directive and commissive speech acts because the object of this research was an object based on a discussion programme or question-answer forum as a medium of interaction between the speaker and the speech partners.



Keywords : Pragmatic, Speech Act, Mata Najwa


