The Conflict of Main Character in the Novel under titled AtasSinggasanaCintaby SyiffanisAmaar


  • Safnah .
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Syofiani .


Conflict is an important event in the work of literature. The conflict is never separated from human life. It is found in many works of literature. As for one of the work of literature in which there was a conflict namely the novel under titles AtasSinggasanaCintaby SyiffanisAmaar.

               The theory used was the research of Fiction Theory proposed by Nurgiyantoro (2010), and Atmazaki's theory of the literature theory and applied literature (2007). The type of this research was qualitative-descriptive methods. The source of the data was the novel under titled "Di AtasSinggasanaCinta" by SyiffanisAmaar, while the object of this research was the conflict of the main character in the novel under titled "Di AtasSinggasanaCinta" by SyiffanisAmaar.

               The results of the research were as follows, internal conflicts ere 36 data; external conflicts were 12 data. Total of the data were 48. First, internal conflict was a conflict that occured in the inner character. The main character in the novel "Di AtasSinggasanaCinta" by SyiffanisAmaar was lost in memory until he did not remember about his family and himself, while external conflict was caused by conflict between the main character and other characters. The main character was a grudge against murder committed by his parents, until finally he became a hitman. Secondly, the conflict impact of the main character in the novel On AtasSinggasanaCinta by SyiffanisAmaar, and the main character had various experiences and prolonged conflicts in his life. The main character was separated from his three brothers, until he had many conflicts. Starting from Mahes who lost his memory until he did not remember about his family and himself, then Arkam lived with a mafia, until he was taught to take revenge against the murder of his parents, so that Arkam's soul had been influenced by bad intentions to become a murderer. All things happened because there was not fair in the murder happened to his parents.

               Thus, it can be concluded that the conflict that occurred to his parents of the three brothers did not get justice from the authorities. His parents were blameless, and they were only accused of being terrorists, even though they were good people. Hence, do not just accuse and kill, because there will be certain sanctions against violence and defamation. Therefore, there is a conflict of the main character in the novel Di AtasSinggasanaCinta by SyiffanisAmaar.



Keywords: main character, conflict, novel Di AtasSinggasanaCinta


