The Structure, Function and Meaning of Mantra for KenagarianAieAmo Community, KamangBaru District, Sijunjung District


  • Rahma Srioktaviani
  • Syofiani .
  • Romi Isnanda


Mantra is the oldest poem in Minangkabau literature. According to Sugiarto, (2015: 91) mantra is one type of old Malay poetry which is believed to contain supernatural and magical powers. This poem was created to obtain magical and magical powers. Thus, in a spell reflected the trust of the people who used the mantra, namely, animism and dynamism (Djamaris, 2002: 10). Mantra is believed to be the oldest form of spoken literature owned by the Malay community.

               The aim of this research was to describe: (1) structure of mantra (2) function of mantra, and (3) the meaning of mantra in KenagarianAieAmo, KamangBaru District, Sijunjung District. The data analysis was done by: (a) describing data into written language, (b) translating data into Indonesian, (c) translating the results of interviews with informants into Indonesian, (d) classifying data related to mantra that would be investigated; (e) analyzing structures of mantra; (f) analyzing the functions of mantra; (g) analyzing the meaning of mantra found in KenagarianAieAmo, KamangBaru District, Sijunjung District; (h) concluding the data and compiling the reports.

Based on the data analysis and discussion, 20 mantra were found: 15 mantra of self-guarding, 4 mantra of treatment and 1 mantra of pakasiah in KenagarianAieAmo, KamangBaru District, Sijunjung District. The Mantra of treatment was used to treat themselves and others who wanted a treatment with various diseases. Then the mantra of self-defense was a mantra to protect oneself from unwanted things, something happened to them. The last, a pakasiah mantra was to attract the opposite sex.

Thus, the conclusions of this research were (1) the structure of a mantra consisting of a choice of words (diction), namely, the word denotation and the word connotation. The mantra had rhymes such as rhythm of alliteration, rhyme of resonance, initial rhyme, middle rhyme, and post rhyme; (2) the function of the mantra for treatment, the self-guard, softening the enemy's heart and pakasiah, (4) the meaning of the mantra was in accordance with its function.



Keywords: Structure, Function, and Meaning of Mantra


