The Application of Cooperative Learning Model Type of Group VII Investigation in Mathematics Learning in Talamau Junior High School 1


  • Ranti Mauliza
  • Rita Desfitri
  • Listy Vermana


The case of the low of students’ learning outcomes in mathematics was that the students' interest was not good. It caused that students did not understand the material taught by the teacher. The interaction between the students and the teachers did not run well in learning. The students only wrote down and pay attention to what the teacher delivered to. Based on the results of interviews, some students liked to discuss with their classmates when solving on the material given by the teacher. There was no formal discussion in the learning process actually. Based on the case described, the researcher conducted a research in improving students’ mathematics learning outcomes.

               The population of this research was 123 students. They were students of class VII with a sample of class VII.3 was as an experimental class, and class VII.1 was as a control class. The each class consisted of 25 students. The data were obtained from the pre-test and post-test in both sample classes. Moreover, the type of this research was categorized in experimental research.

               Hypothesis test was done by using normalized gain test (N-Gain). The results of the calculation were g_1 = 0.14 as the experimental class and g_2 = -0.08 as the control class. Then, g_1> g_2, H_0 was rejected, and H_1 was accepted

               This research in mathematics learning is better to be investigated, because it can encourage students in solving the problems and taking responsibilities. It can also encourage students do their responsibilities to the material. Therefore, the researcher suggested applying the model in the process of learning mathematics.


Keyword: mathematic, group investigation, learning outcomes.


