Application of Quick on The Draw Technique in Mathematics lesson of Second Grade of Science at SMAN 4 Solok


  • . Ikhsan
  • . Khairudin
  • Rita Desfitri


Most of students’ mathematics learning outcomes of second grade students’ of science at SMAN 4 Solok were still below. One of them was caused by lack of activity which was done by students in learning process. To overcome this problem, one of efforts that was done by Applying Quick on The Draw technique. With applying this technique, students were suggested to have attention in learning and students were more understand the concept of learning and optimistics to express their opinions in front of the class.

                      The type of this research was experiment. The population in this research were second grade students of science of SMAN 4 Solok. They were distributed into three classes. The sample of this research was second grade students of third science class as the control class and second science of first class as the experimental class.

               Learning activity data was obtained from observation sheets consisting of six experimental class indicators. Students’ mathematics learning activities in the experimental class generally lend to increase, Although, all each students’ learning activities still have fluctiations that was caused by certain things. While the learning outcomes data was obtained by giving the final test in both sample classes consinsting of nine items. Then, the result of students’ test were analyzed using hyphothesis testing. Based on the result, the reseacher found tcount = 1.85 and ttable = 1.68 at significant level α = 0.05. It means that tcount (1.85) is bigger than  ttable (1.65). Therefore, the researcher’s hyphothesis was accepted. It could be concluded that the proportion of students who achieved learning mathematics mastery who learnt to apply the Quick on The Draw technique was better than the proportion of students who achieved learning mathematics mastery who learnt to use ordinary learning.

               Based on the conclusion, the teacher were suggested to be able to apply Quick on The Draw technique as one of technique variation to increase students’ learning activity and learning outcome. For the next researcher, the researcher suggests to be able to manage the class and repair the weakness of this research, so that it could get the good result of this research.

Keywords : Quick on The Draw, learning outcomes, student activity.


