Arm Muscle Relationship Explosive strength with ability to punch Gyaku Tsuki karate Athlete Dojo INKADO Polda Sumbar


  • Nasrul Chandra
  • Madri M
  • Arfon Meirony


Nakayama in FerdiFerdian (2006: 1) explains "karate is an empty hand martial arts whereby the hands and the travers are suddenly controlled with the same appearance as using real guns"Sujoto (1996: 56-57) In karate martial arts especially to carry out the gyaku tsuki punch technique, arm muscle explosive power is needed because "the direction of the tsuki gyaku blow is press speed with a strong touch of direction."

This type of research is correlational with the number of 18 athletes of the Karate Dojo athletes in the Inkado Regional Police of West Sumatra. Data is taken by measuring the explosive strength of arm muscles (X) and Gyaku Tsuki's punch ability (Y). The data that has been obtained is analyzed by correlation Product Moment (Single Correlation) at a significance level α 0.05               Based on the analysis of the discussion it can be concluded that there is a significant, arm muscle explosive power significant with the ability of Gyaku Tsuki's punch with the value of the score with coefficients correlation = 0,468 pad a α= 0,05.rxy  (coefficients correlation) 0,931> rtab0,468 This means that the ability to blow the tsuki athlete gyaku affects the explosive power of the arm muscles.               From result of hypothesis and discussion of result of research then at relation one and two there is a relationship of arm muscle explosive power (X) formation has a significant relationship with Gyaku Tsuki’s Punch. Keywords: Explosion of Arm Muscles and Gyaku Tsuki’s Punch


