The Influence of Student Learning Discipline Against Student Classroom Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VII 18 SMP Negeri


  • Elsa Firstga Safitri
  • Susi Herawati
  • Listy Vermana


Student learning discipline is self-control of written or unwritten rules that are applied in the student environment both in the form of awareness of the duties and responsibilities as students. Discipline in learning is the key to learning success, because in the discipline there are rules that must be fulfilled.

            This research is a descriptive study, and students in class VII of 18 State Junior High Schools in Padang in the academic year of 2017/2018 with 312 students as population in this study. Class VII of SMP Negeri 18 Padang in the 2018/2019 school year with the number of students 32 people used as samples. Data collection techniques are questionnaires and learning outcomes tests.

Learning discipline questionnaire and student mathematics learning outcomes test as research data, using normality test, simple linear regression test, and significance test. From the calculation of the normality test, it was found that the data had a normal distribution. From the calculation of simple linear regression test obtained Y= -37.74 + 0.27x, for the calculation of significance obtained a significant relationship between students 'learning discipline towards students' mathematics learning outcomes of 6.395.

            From the results of the study, it is suggested to the school and parents to pay more attention to the discipline of students both in order and in learning at school, in class, and at home.

Keywords: Discipline, Student Learning Discipline, Learning Outcomes.


